Unions made using UnionAsync() aren't seamless

All I want to do is create some Unions with a script and not manually (So that it is made during runtime), I have achieved that quite simply using UnionAsync, however the unions made using it are nothing like the ones made manually. When a union is created manually in edit mode, all the seams of the texture dissappear making it seem like one part. When doing it trough a script it keeps the seams making it look bad.
Why is this occuring, why is there a difference between these two ways? How could i potentially fix this issue, and make the script create good looking unions?

I create the union using UnionAsync just like this:

local newUnion = mainPart:UnionAsync(partsToJoin)


Is this only a visual, texture issue, or are the faces of the cubes actually being treated as cubes rather than one union? You should see a huge difference when taking a peek inside the unions. If the issue has to do with textures only, this seems more like an engine bug. If the issue has to do with cubes being separate while unioned, try making the cubes ever so slightly larger.

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It is a texture issue, the cubes are actually being uinoned and connected into one object.
Unfortunately I cannot report it in Engine Bugs as I am not a Regular.