Unions not loading in-game?

I have run into a problem when testing my game. My game works fine in studio, but not in-game, for some reason the unions won’t load. I have posted this here because it’s just happening in my game.

What I’ve tried:

  • Publishing as a new place.
  • Copy, and pasting into a new place.
    *Re-installing Roblox.

My specs:

  • Core i5 9th Gen
  • Geforce GTX 1660 Ti
    *8GB of Ram




Are they anchored?

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Are the unions still visible when you copy and paste them in studio? I’m guessing they are corrupted.

Yes, all of the unions are anchored.

Yes, as you can see in the image everything works in-studio, not in-game…

Do you mind pasting the unions into a new place and posting or messaging the file?

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Unions have been failing a lot more recently, like, way more than usual since September.

I would redo the union by adding another, small part to the union.

They’re about to corrupt, at which point you cannot recover them.

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The unions are invisible for me in the file you sent, and attempting to separate one causes it to disappear. This means it’s corrupted, and to my knowledge, there is no way to fix it.

The only thing you might be able to do is to fish through previous versions of the game or file, if you have them at hand, for ones that aren’t corrupted.

For this reason, it’s usually best to:

  • build without unions where possible
  • leave any unioning work to be done for toward the end of the build
  • save to new copies as you make progress
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For a work-around to this issue, a good tool to learn is blender. Meshes are the same as unions but just made differently. They are very customise-able, allowing many shapes unions just can’t recreate. Plus: you can also UV unwrap them and add textures, allowing for all sorts of details.

Personally, I’d recommend steering clear of unions altogether. If you can get away with it, use wedges and parts to replace unions or even meshes.

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Try to revert to an older version