Unions preventing place from being published

Me and 3 other people have been working on this map for two months now, and we’re basically at completion.

Sounds good, right? No. Wrong. Things are not good. Due to what I think is a Roblox bug, the map is all of the sudden refusing to let itself be published to the site. And we really want to publish this game.

Prepare for a long read of testing and frustration.

On December 7th, the game decided to stop publishing automatically (team create was on).
After turning off team create and trying to publish from a local save, we got this error:

And so that prompted me to look at the unions. The game has 6000 in total, which makes you think “Well it’s just a matter of too many unions, right?”.

And that’s what I think too. So I go to version history, revert the place to a version from December 1st, open Studio, change one thing, and press publish.
And after studio hangs for ~5 minutes, I get that same error.
What? Why? The place published at the time fine.

So I try again. And again and again and again until I’m all the way back into versions from the start of November, where barely any building has been done in the place. The game can’t have more than 100 unions in this version.
And guess what happens? It won’t publish still, despite of course being able to publish at the time.

So I try something new. I open our most recent version, with the most building done in it, and I run a script to delete every single union. And then I hit publish.
And guess what happens? It publishes fine.

So the issue is the unions, and something happened to them on December 7th. Possibly a corruption? But they’re keeping the place from publishing.

I ran a script to keep only every second union and delete the others. Didn’t publish.
Every fourth union kept. Nope.
Every eighth union kept? No.
Every sixteenth union kept? No.
Every thirty-second union kept? Yes. It did publish. I didn’t get the “failed to upload union” error and it worked. But why would I publish a map with 31/32 unions missing?

So cutting down the number of unions in the place allows it to publish, but it still hangs for a long time. For every union, it’s adding around 0.5 seconds to the publish time. Maybe it’s timing out when it’s trying to upload so many of the affected unions, or something.

That’s all I know and have tried so far. I have no idea what’s going on with the unions anymore. This started happening out of nowhere with seemingly nothing to instigate it. We do have some unions from CSGV1, but none of them are corrupted. Could they possibly be the cause?

The only thing significant about December 7th is it was the day that UserIds were changed to save as 64 bit integers. Doubt there’s any correlation, but it’s worth a mention.


After a lot more testing by the others, we’ve found what we think is the cause: 80% of CSGv1 unions that were in the place on December 7th have been corrupted and will prevent the place from publishing.

Which is interesting, because:
1: This didn’t affect CSGv2 unions
2: The same CSGv1 unions can be copied in from other places and still work fine
3: There’s no other way to tell that the affected CSGv1 unions are corrupted; they appear just fine

We still haven’t cleaned up enough CSGv1 unions to save the entire place yet but if we do it successfully I’ll post another update.

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Happens to me as well. You just gotta split up the unions as smaller parts, then recombine it together.
Roblox just can’t render certain things. And above a certain triangle limit, it’s just not possible for the data of the union to save. However, there is no real part limit, so all you have to do is cut it up in smaller pieces using negate, so you have less triangles, and then piece it together.

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