Unions turning out weird

So I am making a launchpad for my rocket game, and my unions which were supposed to look like a grid turned out all weird. Unioning it would drastically lower the part count, since the net is made up of a lot of parts. Is there any way to fix this? And if not, does anybody have any suggestions on what to do instead of making the grid with a bunch of parts? Decals didn’t really work out since they look too flat and not 3d.
Broken unions:
How the grid is supposed to look like: (Some of the parts are a bit off now since they seemed to have moved a bit after I separated them from the union)

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For the first image I’m guessing that the unions render fidelity is not set to precise, if it is, it should show up better

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It is set to precise, however it still looks weird. I separated and and unioned it again and now it has a new “weird” look.

I’m not sure if this is your issue, but it may be worth a shot making sure the negative parts go completely through the part you’re unioning:

You can see the top parts have a clean cut, whereas the bottom parts aren’t. The issue on the bottom doesn’t happen 100% of the time, but it could be contributing to your problem.

As for making it out of parts, I wouldn’t worry about a high part count. Parts are handled incredibly efficiently, and aren’t necessarily going to make or break performance. I’ve had to make a grid much like yours and I just used parts. Yours is obviously bigger, but a few parts aren’t going to hurt anything.

My grid:

While this may be technically true, this will barely help any lag. In many cases, (like this one) solid modeling isn’t the best way to build in Roblox Studio.

Unfortunately, Roblox’s union system sucks. When you union objects that are close to each other, more often than not they will tend to be glitchy. There isn’t much you can do in this situation other than avoiding unions when they turn out badly. A solution I do have is to use a mesh instead.

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Does your union have a high triangle count? A grid in general is going to have a lot of faces for all the small holes in them and it’s likely you exceeded a ‘safe amount’. Recently, Roblox introduced automatic optimization for extremely complex unions with a high triangle count. What’s happening to your union is that it’s just that – the CSG system is automatically optimizing it due to having a very high triangle count.

Your best alternatives? Use a texture or make the grid with separate unions or parts.