Not to long ago I noticed that parts and stuff in roblox had a property known as UniqueId, only thing is you are unable to access this property, so I made a module for it!
Get It
- Take the module and put it where ever you want.
- Use robloxs Require function in order to use its code
- Use robloxs Require function in order to use its code
- Call any function within the module, and enjoy!
- KeepUniqueId: This property is a bool, when set to true, cloning/duplicating a part will make it gain a new UniqueId. This also applies if you import an object which has the same UniqueId as another Instance. When set to false, the Instance will keep its UniqueId.
- GenerateId: Returns an UnqiueId.
- AddUniqueId: Adds a UnqiueId to an Instance.
- GetLocalInstanceFromUniqueId: Gets an Instance that has the provided UnqiueId that is a children of the passed Location.
- GetGlobalInstanceFromUniqueId: Gets an Instance with the Provided UniqueId, Unlike the local version of this function, it scans the whole game for the Instance.
- AutoAddUniqueIdsForLocation: When set to Enabled will add UnqiueIds automatically to any Descendant of the provided Location.
- AutoAddUniqueIdsGlobally: When set to Enabled will add UniqueIds automatically to any Descendant of Game, meaning everything.
- DisableAllAutoAdds: Disables any AutoAdds that were created.
If you have any feedback please feel free to let me know! Just trying to make life easier around here lol~
~ Frodev