Universal Executor Detection [Mac, Windows, Android]

Krampus has lasted months before it was detected, but this does not prove anything. My point still stands: any cheat or Anticheat will be patched with time.

If you can reproduce the false flag of someone resetting “at the right time”, then I’d be more than happy to patch it. As I have already considered it, I have added a proper fix for it.

if roblox launched client sided anticheat themselves, hell, we wouldn’t be getting entire corescript decompilations with any sight of them, you’re just spreading plain misinformation right now mate, the solution of yours of “Like anything can be bypassed” is like saying

I don’t care its bad, despite me showing it to everyone, and claiming its a UNIVERSAL detection which i do not state has a HIGH probability of turning false positives and getting innocent users banned from games, which mind you causes more issues than simply a bonk on the hand, particularly if your game is small or not that active.

You outright denying the shortcomings of this “anticheat” if it can be called that is propostrous. And even then, there are detections much more silent and reliable than this, there is an entire detection revolving around getting “VirtualInputManager” , because that does not exist on the Client by default, for example.

Your “anticheat” is, at most, unreliable, and can be improved without being so fancy with memchecks, which are known to be bad.


Imo the code is messy, and it’s relying on some memory spike checks from what I understood. Shouldnt be used on a real game, saying from experience.


As I have stated, I’m more than happy to patch if you can reproduce a false flag. I still stand by my point that any anticheat or cheat can be bypassed with time, which is a fact. Either way, I did not post this to argue about anticheats, but to discuss ways to prevent exploiters and, hopefully, be hired by game developers.

This does not rely on the entire place’s memory but script memory which is accurate and doesn’t become inaccurate as a script instance needs to be added or cleaned from the memory for it to change.

I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t trash my thread or mislead people.

if me giving constructive criticism is equated for me being “misleading” or “trashing” your thread, then i wish to not precipitate in this thread anymore

again, no one here shouldn’t be spending time creating client sided anticheats because most of the time it is trivial to bypass, advocate to roblox if you want better client security

what people should be doing is to focus more on the server-side because i guarantee you this is where most vulnerabilities happen

this is an example of what people should be spending their time on


Again, I am not here to argue. However, the majority of exploiters have no idea how to bypass scripts and would be heavily affected by this change. As a result, script executors would need to adapt to the changes. A smart person can easily make it way harder to prevent bypasses, as this Thread was mainly made to show the fruit of the bypass not fight over if you can bypass it or not. Thank you for your time.

I can tell you have never really worked at any game, because memory spikes ARE real, and even then, script executors don’t even need to adapt, AutoExec is a thing lmao.

Claiming the majority of exploiters have no idea how to bypass something is plain stupid. Easy and simple, not even Cheat Blocker Pro v1.0.0 can be this bizarre, at least that anticheat had a humiliate feature for the cheater, this will be a humiliate for the developers for banning innocent individuals product of an incompetent anticheat developer.

This has nothing to do with the topic. I do not remember having stated asking to bypass my Anticheat. In fact, I myself have written in the thread that auto-execute is one of the ways to bypass this, but then again, there are only several executors that can auto-execute, while the majority still lack such a feature and would be detected before they even bypass the Anticheat. The majority of exploiters indeed have no idea how to make bypasses. You keep mentioning false banning of innocent individuals, and I have stated multiple times that if you can reproduce a false flag, I am more than happy to fix it.

And also, even if you find a false flag, you are not proving any point. Even though I have thoroughly examined every possible false flag, the same could be said for me - that I am human and might have missed something. I am expecting false flags by releasing this to a wider range of developers, as I have stated in the thread, and I invite them to report any false flags.

Thank you for your time!

  • You don’t even need to be a pro hacker 1337 to make an exploit bypass, thats why entire hubs exist, sometimes ran by entire skids, and they sell well…
  • Auto execute is a basic exploit feature.
  • False Banning is a real thing, you wanting me to reproduce a false flag anyone can reproduce with a memory spike is wild.

The fact you went to DMs to make a literal unfunny ass message

trigger-happy exploiter getting hurt over a universally affecting anticheat who is trying to discourage the use of the detection while also showing no evidence of a “false flag” as they have stated multiple times.

I have many friends who have done anticheats before, and i have played around enough to also know that this will false flag, many others on this thread have stated it as well, you refusing to accept it is nothing more than proving you cannot hold your ground in a decent talk and resort to making personal attacks on a “private” channel.

Thank you for your time!

It seems like there has been a misunderstanding, there are no “memory spikes”, this way of reading the script memory is accurate and is not intercepted or has unpredicted results in any way as i have stress tested it multiple times, this does not read the place’s memory which you have probably seen with actual memory spike detections, but this relies on script memory, I’d appreciate it if you read through the thread and actually comprehended the detection mechanism. Yet again, i am more than happy if you can find any false flags for me so that i would be able to perfect this detection even further (if there are any false flags ofcourse).

memory based detections are bad, end of story

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If you can reproduce a false flag or explain why it is bad on top of the facts i have stated, then I might even consider being convinced. These are just baseless words trying to prove nothing. i wouldn’t even call this a memory detection as this correlates to script instances (including nil instances) and nothing else which is a powerful way to detect script execution and executors if properly setup.

EDIT: I will not be responding to any baseless responses that are simply subjective and do hope to see proper false flag reports if there are any.

This is a sure way to get innocent players banned.

Memory detections by definition detect memory flucutations, and memory very obviously fluctuates.

This is exactly why Synapse at the time didn’t patch these sorts of “detections”, they detect just as many legitimate players as cheating ones, especially when you start putting this game into an actual production environment with 10, 20, even 30 players, there are plenty of variables that all play their part.

People often assume that just because they can build this amazing epic memory detection on a baseplate that it’ll behave the same way under load, it almost never works that way.


Monthly anti-cheat thread made by someone who fundamentally does not understand how exploiting works lol. This is a long tradition at this point, luckily I made a post that you should give it a read here:


And all it would take me to bypass your anti-cheat would be to hook this global function before your script runs to return a fixed or a dynamic value that matches my needs, simple.

Me after publicly posting my entire client sided anticheat source code with a thorough explanation on how it works.

That’s not the problem, the problem is that this guy is trying to “attract developers who see my expertise in creating anti-cheat software” when a simple glimpse at the code reveals that this is an extremely boring and unnecessary game of cat-and-mouse. No developer is willing to go through this pointless cat-and-mouse game that the exploiter can easily win every single time. I’ve seen far better anti-cheat solutions on the client, some people made handshake scripts with encryption and certain exploitation of Roblox Engine APIs that effectively prevent far more exploiters than this ever will.

I see. OP should drop the whole defensive act and take to heart the criticism they have received to work on a better anticheat solution. Usually when you upload a resource and it devolves into you fighting an uphill battle with a bunch people, it’s a telltale sign that you might have done something wrong somewhere. If we’re lucky, we might even get a competitor to CheatBlocker Pro v1.0 :wink:

Best wishes.

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His antichest is useless, but ive seen client sided anticheats that are… impossible to bypass. Try “Citadel AntiCheat” and lets see how well it goes

No client-sided anti-cheat is impossible to bypass, you just have to know how to use the “breaking point”.