Unknown Crash Error "TlsVerificationFail"

What is the issue?

Roblox has been crashing since May 5–6 for me. It’s been giving the error “HttpError: TlsVerificationFail.” I can’t seem to find a fix for it on the internet. I don’t think it’s because of the new anti-cheat because I’ve been getting this error before it was out.

What fixes have I tried?

Reinstall, restart, reset the browser cache, Try a new Windows account. Completely wipe it off my device and reinstall, Turn off antivirus, firewall, and flush DNS.

Is Roblox studio working?

No, it’s giving a basic connect fail error.

Video of the error:

ScreenShot of roblox studio Error:

(NOTE: I am on Windows 10 and 64x not 32x. My internet is also good )


TLS is an encryption protocol, I know you said your internet is good, but are you getting https connections to websites? It may be Roblox issue, there seems to be a thread on the developer-side of things here.

Hopefully this gets resolved soon.

Roblox is the only software and site that isnt working and is giving that error