Opening console and seeing this
But this script isn’t exists in studio!

Looks like a virus. Does it appear when playtesting in Studio, game running?
Look for the script in a play test in server view. Also, this is the wrong category, should be in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support.
it wasn’t showing in play test
Well it for sure is a virus, and not a bug. The error pops up in your DevConsole, which means the script IS there, it’s just created at runtime
And what i need to do to stop it?
Check for malicious plugins and scripts
As @TaxFraudBruh said, when testing use the Start button.
Depending on your # of player settings you will get the server version and one client for each of the players.
Have a look in both versions and make sure the Explorer is showing separately for each client and server sided versions so you can check the ServerScriptService.
already checked few minutes ago, thing appear seems only on client, cus on studio from client devconsole and console in studio no script and no error.
but i can check script existing thru console to make it callback in case of script exists server-side
Did you add any of those plugins recently? People sometimes take copies of popular plugins and publish them as their own, but with malicious scripts in them.
Have you loaded any free models from the toolbox and then deleted them? There may be a script loaded in at the same time, but not inside the model itself.
You can search for all scripts in your game by typing Classname:Script in your Explorer Search tool. Even if the script has been renamed.
I’m wondering if it’s a Roblox core script that’s located inside the ServerScriptService that you’re not supposed to have access to?
idea! i am there did a little script what will say script:fullname if it find smth i need (v.Source:Match())
I gotta try to find everything what even meaning “Roblox”; “Studio”; “Core”; “Roblox Studio Core”
idea! i am there did a little script what will say script:fullname if it find smth i need (v.Source:Match())
I gotta try to find everything what even meaning “Roblox”; “Studio”; “Core”; “Roblox Studio Core”
EDITED: workspace is clean
I checked whole game and not found any script
Solved: I made thing what will give u badge when u meet creator and forgot to add .UserId and script gave error and studio core what tried to give badge failed
As patch when i fixed it was published, error from unknown script disappeared
Thanks everyone for helping
How did you even manage to get bug report access?
I swear there is some requirements and you definitely have not met them
I believe he contacted the forum group called @Bug-Support, which allows you to accept some private messages and turn them into actual public topics. During my time as a forum user with the trust level “Member,” I did that and the people behind the group made my messages to public bug reports.