I am currently using Discord webhooks to log in-game actions via a Proxy. But when I try to fire the webhook function, it returned an HTTP 530 error. I have never seen this nor does it have any information on the internet. Can someone please help me out?
you need to contact the developer of whatever proxy provider you are using, or better yet make your own proxy so you don’t have to deal with the high traffic and lack of reliability of public ones
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Why do Devforum users not read the entire post anymore, I clearly stated I was using a Proxy.
nor does it have any information on the internet
Yes it does.
The first result says: the site is frozen
Basically its the host of the proxy, either the site is down or is overloaded or smth
I searched up HTTP 530 error Roblox instead of HTTP 530 error, this post was already solved, but thank you.