I want to create a tabbed gui such that the tabs themselves together fill a parent frame so that if there is 3 or 7 tabs present, the 3 tabs will have 1/3 width (scale) and the 7 tabs will have 1/7 width (scale). The topology of the gui looks like this where the number of tabs may change at runtime;
I could probably just loop through the tabs and set the scale but this seems inelegant and errorprone. Is there a “declarative” way to achieve this?
Everytime a child is added/removed from “TabsFrame” just do this:
local function UpdateTabsWidth()
-- If we know there is 1 object in Tabs that isn't a tab (UIListLayout) then we can do the following.
local TabsAmount = #TabsFrame:GetChildren()-1
for _, Tab in pairs(TabsFrame:GetChildren()) do
if not Tab:IsA("Frame") then continue end
Tab.Size = UDIM2.new(1/TabsAmount,0,1,0)
I guess you are right. I have been tainted after decades of front-end programming and CSS where such things are frowned upon, you are supposed to set all design related parameters declaratively without using code.