Unlock mouse in shiftlock?

Hello, just wanted to know how I can allow free mouse movement while players are in shift lock mode. They would have to hold right mouse button to turn around if they’d like to turn.

Well that defeats the point of shift lock.

Place any element in their GUI and set it Modal property to true.

StarterGui - TextButton - Modal: true

It’s for a specific gameplay combat style.

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You can turn that property On and just set Visible of frame whenever you want, if its Visible: False it does lock mouse, Visible: True it allows to move freely

This worked, but just to clarify for anyone who comes to this thread and seeking answers to this as well, it had to be a TextButton Frame and not just a Frame. Thanks!

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Ah well now the issue is, when I hold right click to turn, the mouse snaps back to the middle of the screen, and I would like that to be locked to the position of where the player held right click at. If you have any ideas I’d greatly appreciate it :slight_smile:

I’ve never met this problem before, sorry, i can’t help with that one