Unlock StudioPublishService API Access for Plugins

Unlocking these APIs would empower plugin developers, fostering creativity and contributing to a more diverse Roblox ecosystem. We believe that the inclusion of these APIs in the public Roblox Studio documentation would greatly benefit the entire developer community.

Specifically, I would like to request access to the following locked APIs:

  1. StudioPublishService.GamePublishCancelled: This API would allow developers to receive notifications or perform specific actions when a game publishing process is cancelled. By having access to this event, plugin developers can implement features that respond to game publishing interruptions, improving the overall user experience.
  2. StudioPublishService.GamePublishFinished: Granting access to this API would enable plugin developers to receive notifications or trigger custom actions upon the completion of a game publishing process. This would be extremely valuable in automating post-publishing tasks or providing additional feedback to the user.
  3. StudioPublishService.OnSaveOrPublishPlaceToRoblox: By unlocking this API, plugin developers can intercept the event when a place is saved or published to Roblox. This would open up possibilities for implementing custom logic, such as pre-processing assets or validating place configurations before saving or publishing.

Absolutely critical, would unlock so many pre-publish options. I have so much metadata that I have to move into storage services for things like audio and trigger volumes, spawn points, etc. and I have a lot of parts in collision groups that completely exclude them from gameplay and raycast without extra programming effort on my part, but break the ability to move them in studio. I want all of this to be set up pre-publish but this is currently impossible.

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I support your use case, Iā€™d like pre-publish events as well