Unlocking camera rotation to look straight up/down

Hi all.
So you know roblox by default doesn’t let you look straight up/down. the camera will always be some degrees apart from -90° and 90°.

Problem visualized. See how i can’t look directly down?

How can i unlock it? Is there even a way to do it? Guess there is.

The reason it is locked is because the math it uses screws up when you look 90 degrees, I dont know how to make a better camera script that wont mess up.

But that is your problem

If you did try and unlock it somehow then it would totally break when you look up or down.

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This wasn’t that usefull.
So if i understand you correctly: it breaks down and thats my problem?
I just asked how to unlock it, i can work out some solution to the errors you were talking about.

You would need to set the camera mode to scriptable and script the camera yourself, I don’t know how to do that. You could probably figure it out though.

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I’ll try, i just don’t know where to start.