Unofficial Developer Spotlight #002 - Meet Arcuatus

Spotlight #002

Developer Spotlight: Meet Arcuatus

This spotlight will be focusing on yet another incredible developer, whose main talent is building!

That developer is @arcuatus! He has been on the site since 2013, and has been developing since late 2014! Arcuatus is a Brazilian developer, and was one of the first Brazilian developers on the DevForum!

Arcuatus is a server owner for the Roblox DevForum Community Discord, and has worked for many different groups, and games. From airplanes to trains, tanks to machine guns, Arcuatus can do it all!

Without further ado, let’s see what Arcuatus had to say!

How did you find out about the Roblox website?

As a kid I always loved to play with Lego buildings and settings, so when one of the youtubers I watched at that time played Roblox, it definitely caught my attention. This might have had some impact in my preference for Building and 3D modelling, but much of this is due to the remarkably easy engine Studio has.

You have been on the platform since 2013, what keeps you coming back?

Six long years have been through and what I can tell you about this is that Roblox has an unique community, and this definitely is a large factor on why I chose not to abandon game development. Throughout this time I made several friends on the platfrom, joined and developed for an infinitude of groups and made amazing experiences.

Are you currently working on any projects?

Hyper Softworks, the group I work with since 2015, have multiple subgroups and thus acts in many different fronts, commissions and games. As a senior developer on Hyper, every six months, I join one of the projects that need fast and experient builders. Since the beginning of the year we have been working on Bloxstore Tycoon, which we hope will launch us in the market as a definite game development group.

In the past, many developers have said that Roblox has had profound impacts on their lives - has it had any impact on yours?

Absolutely. As I mentioned before, Roblox has probably one of the largest and most varied community web in the internet. This means you can be whatever you want, literally. Regardles if you like aviation, cafés, clans, development hubs, transportation industry, militaries or nations; you have groups for all of that.

I am a developer who have worked and been a member in almost every type of community. From the United Nations to Cafés to the Roman Empire, I have developed for most of the groups I joined. This means lots of research for every building, and I am a person that truly loves to study and search new things. I usually got really hyped with every group I joined and I think a direct result of this is my capability of dealing with any topic fairly well, a Jack of all trades if you’d rather.

If you had any advice for an upcoming developer, what would it be?

One of the best aspects of Roblox Development is that you are your own boss. You don’t have to fulfill deadlines and honestly, you can just do whatever you want; use this to your advantage. If you feel down, let aside the virtual life and go walk outside, watch the nature. When you feel inspired, sit down, grab a paper and a pencil, open studio; something amazing might come out of this.

Personally, I like to say that we have a “Stamina bar” for creativity; we can only have good outcomes when it is replenished. To recharge it we need to space out, to forget about all the deadlines, all the meaningless things that surround our objective and only think about our final goal: living happily. If you just can’t open studio or sit down and finish one task, stop thinking about it. I really mean it, go outside, have a lunch, play with your pets, listen to a song. Anything that will make you remember that everything will be fine in the end.

What do you plan on doing in the future, regarding Roblox?

I think Roblox offers amazing opportunities for developers, but I know my days on the platform are coming to an end. This is probably the last year I will be truly active here, unless something amazing happens and I am able to have a stable monthly income. Roblox Development is a joy to me, but I barely have time for it. In this amazing community, this is supposedly my last year, so by 2020 I want to have fulfilled everything I wanted since 2013: owning a large group and taking a game to front page for multiple days.
Thank you Arcuatus for showing us some of your amazing development projects, and giving us a direct view into the life of a developer.


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