Unofficial Developer Spotlight #009 - Play Eat or Die!

Spotlight #009

DevForum Spotlight: Play Eat or Die!

Halloween is coming up, and that means you need to be prepared. You need to be prepared for the tricks, and the treats. The perfect training place for this is Eat or Die, created by Taymaster

EAT or DIE is a game all about survival of the biggest. Play as the little Chubbies and run away from the terror known as Chubs. Collect food and build up energy to run and jump faster but be careful as you will lose energy over time. Survive Chubs until the times runs out to win. Play randomly as Chubs and crush, kill, destroy everything in your path. Use your unique abilities to cause absolute destruction! Your goal is to kill every last player.

Look at this absolute unit.
In this game, you want to eat as much candy as you can, to gain more energy and become bigger. This rule applies both in the game and in real life. Eat as much candy as you want, nobody will stop you.


But be careful, the bigger you are, the bigger of a target you are. This means the chubs can see you easier. And believe me, you don’t want to be anywhere near the chubs.

The ground shakes when he’s around. Buildings get destroyed. Just trust me, it isn’t a fun time to be around the chubs. Avoiding the chubs is essential to your survival.

Oh boy. I found the chubs.

Oh no, you ate too much candy and now you’re the chubs! Alright, well now we’ve gotta go with the flow. So pretty much do the exact opposite of what I just told you.

This time you want to attack people, destroy buildings, and make the ground shake.
Kill as many people as you can within the time limit, and you are able to secure the bag.

Oh did I also mention you can throw explosive food at people? Yeah, that’s one of the many perks of being the chubs. Explosive food.

You can check out Eat or Die here!



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