Unreasonable robux prices?

Why the robux prices have gotten so expensive? I live in lithuania and currently compared to usa prices it is 25% more expensive to buy robux in my home country.

The average salary per year in my home country is around 20k (according to some website) with many people that i know only earn about 1k so its like 12k per year

and average salary in usa is 60k according to some websites

thats 5x-3x times more than in lithuania and lithuania has 25% more expensive robux? like what? I will never purchase robux ever again

edit: Forgot to mention euro is also more expensive than dollar!?


Roblox is a multi-billion dollar corporation, so to be honest we can’t expect much better

Robux prices in Australia went up ALOT, from $10, to $17 for 800 Robux. Game passes are getting pricier too, It would only be fair to lower robux prices, and as far as im concerned, even after converting currenies, America has better value when it comes to robux prices