(UNSOLVED) Having Trouble Getting One of Multiple Buttons Clicked

Hello fellow developers and scripters!

I want to create an NPC dialogue for many future projects, but I’m running into this obstacle:

From lines 26 to 46, I am having trouble looping through String Values, with all the NPC’s text and all the player’s responses/choices. (problem: read title) So, I am trying to loop through all my choices and wait for one of them to be clicked to continue. It’s not working. I’ve done it before here:

but it doesn’t seem to work here.

The objects:

Dialogue Rules:


(Scroll right for the full description)

Explanation and Rules For The Dialogue Folder (for customization):

	-- Text --
	* Text: Text is what the NPC says. If there is another Text, a child of the main Text, that means that the NPC will say the first text, take a pause, and continue to the next.
	* ExitText: The Text of the NPC before the conversation or dialogue, if you want to call it that (a word that I like and overuse), ends.
	-- Choices --
	(Always numbered, unless there is one)
	* Choice: Choice is how you respond to the NPC's Text. There cannot be another Choice, a child of the Choice, like Text. Instead, there can be multiple choices under Text.
	* ExitChoice: The Choice that you make before the conversation ends. For example, "Goodbye!" or "Oh, I'll check it out'!" (There can only be one ExitChoices) . There can also be an ExitChoice and Choice in the same Text, but the ExitChoice must be numbered.


-- SirHoog | September 25, 2022

The rules is just for other people

The script:

local talkEv = game.ReplicatedStorage.Talk
local transEv = game.ReplicatedStorage.TransScreen
local dText = script.Parent
local choiceButton = game.ReplicatedStorage.Choice
local mostRecentText
local mostRecentChoices
local mostRecentChoicePicked
local dialogueEnded = false

function typeWrite(text, speed, choiceDelay, choices) -- Tutorial by Alvin Blox - Youtube Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLXjta2F7Zw
	for i = 1, #text, 1 do
		dText.Text = string.sub(text, 1, i)
		wait(speed / #text)
	for i, v in pairs(choices) do
		local newChoiceButton = choiceButton:Clone()
		newChoiceButton.Parent = dText.Parent.Choices
		newChoiceButton.Text.Text = v.Value
	for i, v in pairs(dText.Parent.Choices:GetChildren()) do
		if v:FindFirstChild('Text') then
			print('test what????')
				print('test ahhhhhhhhhhh')
				if string.match(v.Name, 'ExitChoice') then
					dialogueEnded = true
					mostRecentChoicePicked = v
					print('sussy baja')
				print('amogus testing')

		dText.Parent.Parent.Enabled = true
		mostRecentText = dialogue.Text
		mostRecentChoices = dialogue.Text:GetChildren()
		--for i, v in pairs() do
			typeWrite(dialogue.Text.Value, 2, 0.5, mostRecentText:GetChildren())
			print('asbdkjas whattttt amogus?')
			if dialogueEnded then

Thank you in advance! But it is extremely late for me to stay longer, so if I don’t respond, you know. :slight_smile:

Please help, this NPC Dialogue will be sent back to the community as a tutorial, so you can be featured!

If someone has already solved the same question for you why cant you just use the old code?

@riply1031 It doesn’t work in this situation for some reason.

Been 3 days, please help. I still couldn’t find the solution. Please!