[UnSolved] Making a converter (Example: MeshPart transparency is .4 and Converted it into a Part, I want it to be .4)

So the title explains it self how would i be able to make a converter with the same properties, I’ve been using an API to do that but it’s very old and not updated, I’ve found another API (From a topic) For it but it’s not working.

Here is my current script.

local module = {}
local myProps :{string} = {}

function fetchProperties(classToCollect :string)
    local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

    local apiDumpClasses = HttpService:JSONDecode(HttpService:GetAsync("")).Classes
    local found = false

    repeat found = false
        for _, class in pairs(apiDumpClasses) do
            if class.Name ~= classToCollect then continue end
            for _, member in pairs(class.Members) do
                if member.MemberType == "Property" then
            classToCollect = class.Superclass
            found = true
        assert(found,"Class not found: "..classToCollect)
    until classToCollect == "<<<ROOT>>>"

    return myProps

function module.getProperties(instance)
    print(myProps[instance]) -- prints nil
    if not myProps[instance] then warn(instance.. " isn't found and Can't be changed.") return "error" end
    return myProps[instance]

Note I Didn’t put the id because for some reason I couldn’t post it here But here is it (remove spaces).

https:// raw.githubusercontent .com/ Mancraze/RobloxInstancesProperties/main/Text
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Any help is appreciated… It has been 8 hours :sad:

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What are you trying to do with this converting idea? Partial conversions are easy if you know what properties you want to apply. What you’re asking for is very broad, the best answer you would get here is a link to a different api dump.

I’m trying to make a Converter with the API I’m using.

Could you get a look at my script and the API to know what I’m doing wrong? I’ve been using an old API it does work but it’s very old and doesn’t have the new stuff.

I don’t know what is wrong with your script because you need to explain what you expect to happen and what is actually happening with the script. Is is infinitely looping? are there errors thrown? what is the value of myProps when printed? is it what you expected?

It seems like there are a lot of issues because of how the global variables, function parameter variables, and repeat-until are being used. Returning myProps when you probably want to return classToCollect, and you need to store the result when using the function local properties = fetchProperties(instance)

But why are you trying to generically convert instance types? My thought is that you probably do not want to do this, and that there is a simpler way around whatever your underlying issue is. Or at least there is a more minimalist way to do conversions for your use case.

Hi, I’m trying to make a converter Plugin with it saves it’s properties (When converted, Like ReClasser Plugin) the Problem is I’ve to use an API for it and that API is currently not working for me?

It’s not infinitly looping, It just errors when I do


But, It prints it’s Properties.


I’ve also tried doing


I’ve also changed the script to this and it’s not working.

local module = {}

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local apiDumpClasses = --Can't put the API here for some reason
local MyProps :{string} = {}

function GettingProperties(ClassToCollect)
	for _, class in pairs(apiDumpClasses) do
		if class.Name ~= ClassToCollect then continue end
		for _, member in pairs(class.Members) do
			if member.MemberType == "Property" then
		ClassToCollect = class.Superclass
		return MyProps

function module.getProperties(instance)
	local Mypropsx = GettingProperties(instance)
	print(Mypropsx) -- prints its properties.
	print(instance[Mypropsx]) -- prints nil
	if not instance[Mypropsx] then warn(instance.. " isn't found and Can't be changed.") return "error" end
	return instance[Mypropsx]

return module


So why not use ReClasser? it’s free!

myProps is an array with member names inserted into it. addressing it with an instance or string will always result in nil, only a number index has the potential to yield a result after fetchProperties is run.


I think you want to iterate over myProps like so to copy the old properties into my_new_thing obviously replacing the Instance.new class name

local my_new_thing = Instance.new("some new thing of inheriting class")
for _, property in ipairs(myProps) do
    my_new_thing[property] = instance[property]

Well, If i try that it will break.
I currently Have 2 Modules One for the Main one for the Property.
Here is my current main one for converting So I’ve to indeed use this system…

function module.ConvertingProccess()
	local Selected = SelectionService:Get()

	if SelectedInstance and #Selected >= 1 then

		for i, SelectedObject in ipairs(Selected) do

			local OldInstanceParent = SelectedObject.Parent

			local properties = PropertiesModule.getProperties(SelectedObject.ClassName)
			if properties == "error" then return end

			local NewInstance = Instance.new(tostring(SelectedInstance.InstanceName.Text))

			for i,v in ipairs(SelectedObject:GetChildren()) do
				v.Parent = NewInstance

			for _ , v in pairs(properties) do
				local hasProperty = pcall(function() NewInstance[v] = SelectedObject[v] end)
				if not hasProperty then continue end 

				local samePropertyType = (typeof(NewInstance[v]) == typeof(SelectedObject[v]))
				if not samePropertyType then continue end

				NewInstance[v] = SelectedObject[v]

				NewInstance.Parent = OldInstanceParent
local module = {}
local myProps :{string} = {}

function fetchProperties(classToCollect :string)
    local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

    local apiDumpClasses = 
    local found = false

    repeat found = false
        for _, class in pairs(apiDumpClasses) do
            if class.Name ~= classToCollect then continue end
            for _, member in pairs(class.Members) do
                if member.MemberType == "Property" then
            classToCollect = class.Superclass
            found = true
        assert(found,"Class not found: "..classToCollect)
    until classToCollect == "<<<ROOT>>>"

    return myProps

function module.getProperties(instance)
    if not myProps[instance] then warn(instance.. " isn't found and Can't be changed.") return "error" end
    return myProps[instance]

So Yeah, I’ve to use the 2 Modules for the two things.
Please read both of the code maybe it can help you understanding more the system, Thanks!

Ok, so I looped through the entire Table and it did print it’s properties as you can see her.

Furthermore, it seems like

f[instance] and for i,v in ipairs(f) do
		print(instance[v]) -- prints nil I also tried the opposite of it.

is nil which doesn’t make any since.
Here is my current code (It prints it’s properties in the Loop but in the table it doesn’t work.