{UNSOLVED} Random Ping Spikes on Respawn

In my game, when character respawns, ping sometimes spikes extremely high for no reason, and sometimes it doesnt.

On the first respawn after joining the game, it always spikes, then doesn’t spike most of the time, but sometimes does again.
As you can see in the video on the first respawn the ping spiked from 100 to 170, then I respawned 3 times after that, and ping was stable 100, not spiking.

I do have a custom respawn script under ServerScriptService, and some server scripts under character. But even after disabling custom respawn and enabling the default “CharacterAutoLoads”, and deleting all the server scripts inside player’s character, it still does those weird spikes. After disabling and deleting those scripts, there are no CharacterAdded or HumanoidDied connections anywhere.

hold on, i’ll test this on a random game. it might be roblox. yeah my ping spiked a bit after respawning.

Nah I tested already on some, it’s not

Did you test this in a blank environment?

No, there is carefully designed terrain in the game, which I will not delete, as it will be pain to get back. But I did test it with just a terrain, no other parts in the workspace. Still the same thing.

One thing I’ve noticed though is it’s much more random than I thought. I rejoined the game 3 times, resetting the character 10 times for every time I joined, and the lag spike happened maybe 2 or 3 times only.

That’s just server areas being terrible, it depends on your location. For me Illinois and Virginia servers give me ping spikes. And does not happen in any other location. Try using a VPN.

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I see. Yeah it is possible cuz in any game (even empty baseplate) my ping is never lower than 80, which means I’m far from the servers.

Wouldn’t using VPN make it even worse? Because VPN doesn’t actually change your location, it just creates a fake location, which takes more recourses and you’re still far from the server.

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Use the closest server available that doesnt bug out

I am expiriencing Lag spikes not only from Ping but from FPS and GPU.

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