Howdy, I’ve seen some similar posts regarding this here on the DevForum, however no solutions have worked for me.
When I attempt to union my bus model, it does some weird deformations all around the bus that cause some of my smaller details to not be visible. It seems to add some material on the front and remove some in the back, but it isn’t moving the bus forward (if that makes sense?).
It doesn’t matter which Negative part I select to union with the bus union, they all have the same result (even if I select multiple Negative parts to union).
I’m currently using CSG v2, although I tried switching between the two with no difference in the result.
I’m pretty confused and don’t want to have to remodel a large portion of the vehicle. Any help is appreciated.
Just tried this, it still didn’t work. It seems that whenever I union something with the bus, no matter if its negative or not, what size or position its at, etc., it still deforms. Not sure how to go about this outside of remodeling the bus and hoping the same thing doesn’t happen.
To me it seems like there’s an issue with the complexity of your Union. How many Tris are in it before and after you do this operation?
Are all the Union and Negate Parts Anchored? If not try that and see what happens.
It’s hard to tell from the videos, but it just seems like the entire Union is moving forward about .2 studs. What happens if you copy the Position of the Union where it is supposed to be, negate it, then paste that value back into the Position?
The TriangleCount property isn’t loading, so I’m not entirely sure. I tried all possible fixes you mentioned and none of them worked. This seems more like an issue for a bug report, so I’ll file one later once I become a Regular member.
Luckily, I backed up my place prior to separating the bus, so I have a fully unioned model that looks fine. I separated it originally to fix some symmetry issues that I suppose I’ll have to live with until I feel like remodelling or this bug is fixed.
Have you tried exporting the Union to Blender to fix it?
I know it can be a bit intimidating at first but Unions really are not great for complex shapes. If you ever export even a simple Union to Blender you can see many more vertices causing many more tris than are necessary.
I’d say your bus is pretty complex, so I can’t even imagine how many vertices the Union would have there.
I’ve had this issue before. It boils down to the complexity of the model. The more complex it is, the higher the likelihood of the union not turning out well.
I’d suggest make smaller components and welding them together.