Unstable Ranking Archive

Welcome! You’ve found your way to this archive. This archive contains all the necessary information for your progression in Unstable.

Student: You have joined Unstable and wish to advance in your career. To do that, you must buy the uniform and attend an event. You have 3 days to do this or you will be marked as inactive and await exile from the clan.

After this, you will be go into the Phases. These Phases consist of your Honors and the leaderboard ratio you achieve from battles.

Phase I: 2 Honors and + any positive amount of KDR in a battle.
Phase 2: 8 Honors and + 15 KDR in battle.
Phase 3: 20 Honors + 30 KDR in battle.

You have graduated and now are onto the normal ranks!

Apprentice: 30 Honors
Peacekeeper: 50 Honors
Sage: 80 Honors
Knight: 100 Honors
Champion: 150 Honors
Legend: 200 Honors; You will receive an assessment if you wish to become a high rank and with that, you will need a + 80 KDR in battle.

Veteran is a rank given to only veterans.

After ascending from Apprentice to Legend (if you wish to achieve High Rank) you will be assessed by a Trainer to deem if you are worthy.

Trainer: Host battles and are overseers for Phases graduations.
Master: Host battles and are overseers for Legend graduations.
Visionary: Host battles and are the eye of Unstable. Visionary overseer can do everything the Consul and Grandmaster can.
Consul: The handpicked advisors of the Grandmaster. They are the future of Unstable.

Thank you for reading and we are looking forward you to see your performance.

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