Untitled Game - Devlog #1 - Main Character Creation

Hey! I’m, Dexter and I’ve recently started the development of a open world adventure game with a native american theme tied too it, I’m excited for the progress ahead and excited to show the progress along the way!

For the character design I went with a chibi style because I am by no means an expert at modeling and I wanted too keep the character simple in design.

After that I rigged the mesh in blender which went pretty smoothly.
I then textured the face but before that I UV unwrapped it also keeping that simple design philosophy in mind and I love how it turned out!

Thanks for taking the time to get to know my project a little, maybe ill being seeing you in my second installment bye!


The character looks cute!

Although, the dotted smile looks a bit off; perhaps you should make it just a normal line (and make it a bit more subtle!)

I kinda wanted to make it unique to my game and I really am liking it, thanks for the suggestion though!

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Nice! it’s like Animal Crossing.


haha yeah i didnt want to leave the character without a nose and I kinda got inspiration from animal crossing and chibi style characters

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