Untradeable and not owned limited item

0 Owners

Goldlika Genius Limited has been broken down since 2017 and has no owner.

These things are not tradable or sellable, despite the limited tag.

since 2017, and it has had this error for such a long time

These items are limited; they should be marketable and saleable.

Goldlika Genius

Expected behavior

These items are limited; they should be marketable and saleable. and hope it begins to be fixed


Is it because no one owns it or is it because its broken ?
If it has no owners i guess roblox would have to put some for sale maybe

Thank you for the report. We have assigned to our team for further review.


This item was never listed for sale, thus there’s no owner.

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Then why is the item limited? This post was made to fix said item and make it able to have owners.

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The item was made limited tho, with no owners.

I’m sure it can at least be put up for sale, since it’s not actually a cancelled item.

So you made a limited item purposely to not go for sale ?

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This post meant fix item that not to listed for sale.

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