Unused vehicle camera controller still has insanely high frame time

Reproduction Steps

To reproduce, simply use the default camera system without making any changes. Do not have any vehicles in your game.

Expected Behavior

I expect the camera system to have a minimal performance impact on my experience.

Actual Behavior

Instead, the camera system takes a ton of frame time from the vehicle camera controller alone. This can be seen with the script profiler on the client.


The only workaround is to manually disable it.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Performance
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly


Absolutely can confirm this, deletion of vehicles helped the issue. InputChanged is used for bare frame dragging scripts on the client and theyre disabled until the gui is visible, so I would be guessing its related to it. Microprofiler and scriptprofiler shows the same issue, as well as with network gpu.

Ping spikes due to server overloading happen.

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Hi there! I’ve taken a look and I don’t seem to be seeing any Vehicle camera updates in the script profiler unless you get into a vehicle and start driving it. Can you confirm if this is still an issue and if so provide more details on how you’re profiling and where you see the vehicle controller updates in the script profiler?

This is no longer an issue, thanks!

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