Unusual Part That Can't Be Deleted

Hello all,

I have noticed that in my game there is a purple semi-transparent part covering the map. I’m not entirely sure of the origin but I believe it may be from a plugin called Ro-Render that has left traces of itself that weren’t deleted?

Does anyone know how I could remove this part. It doesn’t show when loading in the game, only in studio and it is not selectable via the studio or a plugin such as SBS.

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Can I see the explorer tab to help you further.

Try disabling that plugin and restart studio, It may fix it.

My bad for not mentioning it but I have already tried that and the part remained there.

I haven’t taken a photo of the actual workspace because of the sheer amount of parts in it. But I have gone through every single part and can’t find any that don’t have either 0 or 1 transparency or that colour.

It could be a beam so you cannot click it but it could also be a part being locked or something else.
Try to put a part on it with the grab tool if it sticks to it it is a part and you have to find the part in you file explorer. If not i cannot help you either.
Good Luck

Thank you.
I’ve tried that and the part doesn’t stick to it but rather goes straight through and locks onto the ground below it.

If the part is not selectable, then it is probably Locked (i.e. it can’t be selected via the viewport). You should be able to unlock it (and any other Locked parts in the workspace by running the following from the command bar:

for Index, Value in ipairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
	if Value.Locked then -- Unlock parts if they are locked
		Value.Locked = false
	if Index % 50 == 0 then -- Every 50 objects pause to stop Studio from freezing (this might be a low value idk, but best to be on the safe side)

Alternatively you can select the Locked parts from the workspace (so you can decide yourself what to do with them if you have some Locked parts that are supposed to be there for instance, put them in a folder to go through and check them):

local Selection = game:GetService("Selection")
local LockedObjects = {}
for Index, Value in ipairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
	if Value.Locked then -- Add locked parts to a table
		table.insert(LockedObjects, Value)
	if Index % 50 == 0 then -- Every 50 objects pause to stop Studio from freezing (this might be a low value idk, but best to be on the safe side)

Selection:Set(LockedObjects) -- Select the locked parts

Edit: It could be a Beam, you can select all beams by doing:

local Selection = game:GetService("Selection")
local Beams = {}
for Index, Value in ipairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
	if Value:IsA("Beam") then -- Add beams to a table
		table.insert(Beams, Value)
	if Index % 50 == 0then -- Every 50 objects pause to stop Studio from freezing (this might be a low value idk, but best to be on the safe side)

Selection:Set(Beams) -- Select the beams

Edit 2: My bad, I forgot the == 0 part of the pausing so it would pause on every step instead of multiples of 50.

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