Unwanted script 'Weld' requiring an asset when game is ran outside of Roblox Studio

While messing around in the Developer Console inside my game, I have noticed this error in the Server Log:

I have encountered something very similar to this before, where I ended up using a malicious plugin for over a year, that would randomly insert scripts called ‘Weld’ into Studio parts that were also requiring an asset. This was very noticeable.

However, this time it’s different. There’s nothing being inserted inside of Studio, and I have literally checked my entire game’s code (scripts inside of parts, scripts inside of different services… etc.) to make sure that it’s not requiring anything. Here are some things that I’ve also noticed about this:

  • This only occurs if I play my game outside Roblox Studio
  • Toggling to server mode while the game is running inside Roblox Studio shows that no script called ‘Weld’ exists inside Workspace.Camera

Here’s a list of plugins that I currently have installed:

I’m pretty sure that all of these plugins I got are legit, so I really have no idea what could be causing this to happen, besides a malicious plugin. I have looked on the Dev Forum and found people with similar issues, none as specific as mine though. Even though the asset that’s being required is probably moderated or offsale (Because the download for it failed) and won’t cause any harm, I would still like to know what could be causing this to happen, so I can remove this ‘Weld’ script from my Camera object inside of Workspace. Do you have any suggestions?

If it doesn’t come back after removal then ur fine. If it does tho then figure out which plugin is doing it.

The only plugin that I currently have enabled is Autoscale Lite by ‘ZacBytes’, and the Weld script is still getting created.

You can dissect the plugins you have installed by dragging them into Studio to see what is being inserted. That, or press CTRL + Shift + F (which searches through the entire game) and type any of these strings IsStudio(), IsClient(), IsServer, and IsEdit.

I’d also recommend searching for fenv, as if there is an obfuscated script burried somewhere searching for other keywords may not come up.


I was thinking about trying to somehow track what creates the script when the game is ran outside of Studio, is that possible? Or to somehow print what other code is in the script (if any exists)

Also, I was right, the thing that is being required is Content Deleted. So it won’t do much harm.