Training Guide
This guide should be used by all trainers when conducting training sessions, please read this carefully multiple times before you use it don’t hesitate to ask an HR if you’re unsure of something.
The training course has been split into 5 segments, as shown below, you must go through each segment in the following order: Segment 1, Segment 2-5, and Segment 6
Please keep in mind that each segment may have a different style of execution due to them being written by different people.
Segment 1 | Session Commencement
Segment 1 | Session Commencement
30 minutes before the session begins, it should be announced. 20 minutes before the start of the session, all trainers should arrive and prepare the fort for training.
The host must use the setmessage command to display the following:
Training will commence at , head to the STS area at least 5 minutes before this time!
When the session begins you will start out with an introduction.
An intro should look like this:
Hello! Welcome to training, my name is and I’ll be your host for today. We will be doing sword fighting, gun fighting, and an obby course in today’s session. Good luck!
After you’ve introduced everyone, say the following messages via the :m command:
PTS (Permission To Speak) is now in effect, talking without permission may result in a removal from the session, if you any questions, say “PTS” and a HR will accommodate you.
(wait for all questions to be answered then move on)
Segment 2 | Weapon Brandishing and Turns
Segment 2 | Weapon Brandishing and Turns
Weapon Brandishing
After you complete segment 1, you will move onto weapon brandishing and turns.
To begin with, you will announce the following message with the :m command:
We will now begin with weapon brandishing, when I name a weapon of my choice, for example the sword, you must holster it until I command you to set it down. This will continue for another minute or two to check your obedience skills.
You will order everyone to hold up any weapon of your choice, do this for a minute or two before continuing. Make sure to use the :m command when ordering everyone to hold a weapon. You can also make the order more difficult near the end, for example ordering them to hold the rifle, hold the sword then hold the rifle again. You may scold anyone that isn’t doing it right, we expect all of our trainees to meet our expectations.
Weapon Shooting
You may also order everyone to face the wall, (90 degree left turn) and make them stand STS, facing the wall. You will announce the following instructions via the :m command:
We will now move onto our weapon shooting part of the training, I will order to shoot either your rifle or your pistol a few times, for example, shooting your pistol 5 times etc.
You will then order them to shoot the wall as many times as you want, for the rifle 1-30 times, and for the pistol 1-12 times. Start off with something easy, but as you do more, the more complicated it gets.
Next is turning, this would be similar to weapon brandishing but this time you do it with turns. You will state the following via the :m command:
We will now begin with turns, when I state a direction, for example 90 right, you turn 90 degrees to the right. This will determine your response time.
You will order them to turn in any direction you want them to, you will do this for a couple of minutes, make sure to start off easy with one direction, then adding in a few to make it more complicated. Make sure to scold them if they do it wrong as we expect them to meet our expectations. Also make sure to use the :m command to announce the turn, for example, you will start of with something like this: “Turn 90 right”, and near the end, make it complicated, such as “Turn 180 left, 450 right, 90 left and 45 right.”, maximum amount of turns are 4.
That’s it for this segment, move onto the next one.
Segment 3 | Sword Fighting
Segment 3 | Sword Fighting
We will begin today’s session with <segment 1-3 eg: sword fighting>, turn 90 degrees to the right and prepare to march.
(wait for everyone to turn)
When the timer ends, start marching, always follow the person in front of you. Do not cut corners or overtake anyone.
(start 10 second timer)
(begin marching to the sword fighting arena, the march leader will stop at the end of the sword fighting arena’s STS line and tell everyone to make a turn in the necessary direction once everyone has stopped)
Complete the following events in any order you wish:
*Free For All
(you may also do the 1v1-3v3s as a tournament if you wish)
(after completing the necessary and required events, you may practice sword fighting tricks and tips to the trainees)
(ask everyone if they have any questions)
You all did great, any questions before we move on?
(answer questions)
Segment complete, move on to the next one.
Segment 4 | Gun Fighting
Segment 4 | Gun Fighting
When you get to this segment, announce the following via the :m command:
We will now begin with the gun fighting segment of this training session, before we begin, does anyone have any questions?
(answers all questions)
Alright, everyone follow me and STS in front of me.
You will then lead everyone to an empty place in the fort and order everyone to STS in front of you. You will then pick teams corresponding to the amount of players attending. For example, if there is 3 people attending and 1 HR, you would do a 2v2. If there was 4 people attending, and 3 HRs, you would do a 3v3 and leave one HR to spectate etc. You would then pick fair teams and using :team you would team one half of people as ‘Raider’ and the other half would stay as UoR.You will then respawn everyone by using the :re all command, and you will start a 60 second timer, you will get everyone in position. Once the 60 seconds are done, you can open fire, you will also start a 600 second timer, (10 mins) once the 10 mins are over, you will order everyone to cease fire.
As a raider, your objective is to defeat the UoR by forcing them to surrender or by taking over their flag.
Your objective as the Union of Resistance is to protect the fort against raiders and also protect the flag.
After the 600 seconds are over, you will lead everyone to the STS area and proceed to the next segment.
Segment 5 | Obby Course
Segment 5 | Obby Course
(order everyone to make a 90 degree turn to the left or right in preparation of the march)
(start a 10 second timer when everyone has made the turn)
(when the timer ends, march to the obby STS area)
(stop marching at the end of the obby STS line and order everyone to make the necessary turns that would result in everyone facing the obby)
Use the :m account to state the following:
Welcome to the Obby Training Course, we will start with a 500 second practice period then move to timed runs, timed runs will start at 50 seconds then gradually move down to 30, you are required to get under 35 seconds to pass this segment, good luck!
When doing the obby, please keep others in mind and try not knock yourself or others off.
(start a 500 second timer and wait for it to end)
We will now be moving on to timed runs, please make 2 queues near the centre of the obby start line. Pushers will be sent to the back.
(start doing timed runs at 50 seconds, each time you’re happy with the amount of people completing the obby in time, move the timer down by 5 seconds, repeat until you get down to 30 seconds, remember to say “Get ready.” each time you’re about to start a new timer)
(when you’re done, move everyone back to the obby STS area)
You all did great! Any questions before we move on?
Segment complete, move on.
Segment 6 | End Of Session And Promotions
Segment 6 | End Of Session And Promotions
(order everyone to make a 90 degree turn to the left or right in preparation of the march back to the main STS area)
(start a 10 second timer when everyone has completed the turn)
(when the timer ends, march to the main STS area)
(stop marching at the end of the main STS area line and order everyone to make the necessary turns that would result in everyone facing the obby)
Our training session how now concluded, thank you for attending! You will be FFed if you received a promotion.
(co-host will not promote everyone who was FFed)
You’re all dismissed, please stay behind if you have any questions.
(answer questions and end session)
Written by Colour3FromRGB and Irish_Dev