Hello there, I am BetterThanBren, Owner and Community Manager of Mount Desert Island.
Here are the following developer positions opened:
- Systems & Game Developer
- 3D Modeler
- Artist & UI Specialist
Experience Wages - The larger resume and skills you have, the higher your pay is.
Flexibility - Work from anywhere! All you need is a computer.
Strong Bonds - You can really communicate and form friendships from your
Your goods and services will be payed for accordingly. As stated above, the more experience and time you put into your builds, the more you will be rewarded.
(USD Payments are transacted via. PayPal)
Systems & Game Developer: 5,000 Robux and an additional $50 USD
3D Modeler: 5,000 Robux and an additional $10-15 USD
Artist & UI Specialist: 3,000 Robux, possibly an additional USD payment
These are only the post-development stage payments. All roles will be payed a range from 1,000 - 3,000 Robux per month.
Systems & Game Developer: At least 1 year of Scripting and Building experiences. Should have basic knowledge of multiple fields of Developing.
3D Modeler: At least 1 year of Modelling and strong knowledge of both Roblox Studio and Blender.
Artist & UI Specialist: At least 1 year of Graphic Design and strong artistic abilities.
Requirements for all positions:
- Must be at 13 years of age+
- Strong communication skills
- Good listener and thinker
- Developer Forum, please private message me if you are interested. If so, state your discord username and numerical tag (optional)
- Discord, please send a friend request to Jay…#4666 (required)
Thank you for reading this and I hope you are interested in one of these positions! Best,
Jay (BetterThanBren)