Upcoming changes to the Public Roblox Forum

Everyone is migrating to discords, you do realize.
You can’t stop it if you have literally no substitutes for more serious community commerce of thought.

I know you discourage discords by default, but they have blown up in popularity SO MUCH since the forums shut down, and these discords are a lot more dangerous to young users. Image linking, voice chat, access to direct messaging + linking pictures directly- ALL hidden and secluded to their own channels- this really is the breeding ground for a lot of iffy behaviour. We’ve already had instances of paedophiles preying on young teens in these environments.

Seriously just rush things like contained forums for groups, or promote places like /r/roblox. Something that can be moderated and more public


Just thought I would post this here, it’s an archive of every forum post in the old forums.



Thank you so much, nostalgia here I come! :smiley:. So glad I can view my old forums.