"Upcoming Developer" Rank Addition Date

This thread, included an information that on the day it was created (November 3rd), 100 new users were accepted into the forum. It also stated that Basic Users will be accepted in waves of 100 each month.

I expected it to be a constant date, but as far as I’ve seen, new users have been accepted today (hi to them :wave:)

Could any of the DevRel team elaborate on this? Did something change?


There have been new members dropping in every month. Just take a look at that introduction thread:


Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:
Although it still doesn’t help with the date question.

It was never stated on the thread that it would happen on an exact date – only that it would repeat per month. Just like meetings/etc, processing join requests are probably done whenever it fits schedules rather than on a specific day each month.


Last time it was also 3rd of the month, so I took it as a constant date. But you’re right, they didn’t say anything that it is constant.

I thought I would get an email for getting basic user, but I guess not? (hello!)


Did you check spam? When I got my email it came in the spam folder.

Yeah, I didn’t get an email either. The only one I got was the one saying I’ve got front row seats for entry from back before the first wave.

I just realized I got the email 3 hours ago(2 hours after my post).

Recently we made changes to the older process which caused a bit of delay with sending out the invites. We are slowly adapting to the new processes to make the application process much faster as well as implementing plans to help with the expansion of the Developer Forum. Stay tuned for more information in the future :wink:


Hi! Im a basic user. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


so whats the difference between a basic user and a normal user

The term for “basic user” changed to Upcoming Developer recently, FYI.

Upcoming Developers have restrictions to where they can post threads and responses, and they can also not view some categories. The goal is to ease them into the behaviour that we expect of developer forum members by letting them have read access to some categories first.