Upcoming Game GFX feedback

This GFX may serve as the first picture on the game’s page (once I put the title card on). But before I do that I want your feedback as to what I could improve on. I really like it but I want it to be as amazing as possible. The theme was a found footage/lost media style GFX. The eyes are a main focus since human eyes do not have the tapetum lucidum layer, which reflects light like this. This implies these creatures are not people.


This GFX looks very good! Nice job on it!


Hey there, the Idea is pretty much great. You may add clothing texture to the main guy. The design needs to be black and white If there will be this much grain on the design. And in photoshop, you can improve the creature’s eyes via making them glow a bit. Also, use a proper font, center the text and choose a eye-catching color to make the final touch.

And don’t forget, your work is priceless.


Everything else looks fine but the text is a bit too generic. Try matching it with the atmosphere a bit


i really like it, just would change the text, looks like it doesnt fit with the picture much