Upcoming Game Server Test

Can’t reconnect.

edit: aaaand it’s gone


Trying to rejoin after being kicked for loosing connection cough cough lagged out. It is making it hard for me to load in now with over 122 in game

I received an error which said my game got disconnected I tried rejoining and it is stuck on loading menu

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That’s an issue I came across as well and detailed, if it displays loading screen + blur, you never get in. Rejoin.

I am getting the blur screen too. My game is just froze


Performance feedback:

I just joined the server, it seemed decent at first but it got worse and laggier as time went on.

The performance was fine fps wise but ping was sitting at around 20,000, recv was 50, chat was the worst as it had a huge delay for sent chats to appear (ended up being a few minutes at times).

With streaming enabled it took many minutes for parts of the map to load and it was on “Gameplay Paused” for a bit. I ended up getting kicked and can no longer rejoin after that.

Both of the servers (120+p and 2-3p) showed “Slow Game” on the servers page.


I can still interact with UI and switch tools while gameplay is paused.


Overall very high ping and lots of lost connections.


I have been watching the server list wondering how it is going. Just noticed.

All the servers are slow game.

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My brother played the game, and guess what:

Basically Roblox has crashed, and the problem of this is the high ping, since when my brother was shooting a bot, when he killed him, there was a delay of 5 seconds, after that delay, the body’s joints were destroyed (in summary, a big delay when killing a bot)

Well let’s see…
The ping appeared to be universally bad across all players from what I have read in the chat, though the actual ping seemed to inconsistently bad between players.
My own experience was that the ping started out at a few thousands and it kept rising until I reached a full minute (60.000 ms) of ping before the server died even though my downloadrate was actually quite low and consistent at 50-60 kb/s which my internet connection should have been able to handle.
Gameplay was bad from the start but due to the gamplay paused thingy you couldn’t move for more than a few seconds because the server couldn’t keep up…
Even the Chat was basically useless quite quickly due to the ping (messages I sent appeared a minute after I sent it afterall).

And of course the server died before my laptop did…


I did this during the Pizza Party Event a while back. Had a 200 player server for around 10 minutes solid. Wasn’t just a baseplate either but a full game. Worked pretty well. Max ping I saw was like 10,000ms :man_shrugging:


The 2nd test server managed to hit 190 Players before crashing! I think the only problem that was holding everyone back was the fact that npcs were spawning and there weren’t just 10 or 20 but 600 of them which made the game lag a lot. I would still call that a successful testing session even if we didn’t hit roblox’s goal.


nice im in there, i got pretty lucky


Are you sure this game is the best choice for a stress testing?
The game itself lags at a low amount of people, which isn’t good when you want to test something like this. Maybe a more optimized game would make more sense to use.



So that was… interesting. I’m really enjoying these public stress tests, even if the experience isn’t exactly polished.

Is there any chance of us getting a write-up on the goals of the test beyond “attempting to reach 200 players?” What exactly is the importance of “17B?” I’d love to hear the technical bits and to get a better idea of what the test was about.

P.S. my speech bubble hat got in the way of the aim down sight. :stuck_out_tongue:


I agree with @MetatableIndex, I think this should be tested in a baseplate instead, since we are just testing a feature, since the current game for testing this feature is kinda laggy, I want to mention that the game is using terrain, and I think terrain can hurt performance. I want to say something for the team who is working on this, you guys might like to take a look at this thread: MessagingService: Creating an 'infinite player server'
I know it doesn’t works, but you guys might want to take a look and find resources to advance in the development.

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cars are being stretched and gameplay pauses alot. car cameras also don’t work properly. the features used tho seem really promising for open world games, too bad roblox’s terrain voxel limit is too small


Also worth to note that changing camera type in the menu completely breaks the game.

That brings up another issue: why can users change their camera type, despite game settings disabling that? I’m saying this because on my own game I have set the default camera type and disabled changing camera type, but users are still able to change it.


Test was great, until the exploiter came in and started firing the gun’s remote events.
Hope you guys got all the data you needed! It’d be spectacular to see stable 200 player servers some time in the future.