Hello! I’m somewhat new to developing a game / working on ROBLOX’s LUAU and I’ve made a game that has the core mechanics of hide and seek but with the addition of kits being implemented into the game… I wanted to ask you guys about your opinions on this example map I’ve made that could be randomly chosen during intermission, a but more detail has been added from when this image was taken but also that I haven’t really recorded any of the gameplay to showcase the kits sadly so this is really all I can show for now…
i think u need to work on your models because it looks like a 2016 styled game right now, can’t really comment much on the scripting because i joined when there was just me in the server so the round couldnt start but you shouldn’t be waiting every 10 seconds to check if there’s enough players which is what i think ur scripts are doing. you should put a shorter wait delay. Like atleast by 1 second each time.
while true do
-- Your round stuff
Ah I see, thank you for the feedback I’ll lessen the waiting time for sufficient players to be in the game. I apologize about the models too, I’m not really one to make a map and I rarely model too but don’t usually like what I find in the toolbox or trust them.
I’ll maybe focus on improving my modelling skills whem I have the schedule to, Thank you!!
i dont model at all, i dont even know how to open blender. thats why ive been focusing on games that require minimal to no models whatsoever. i suggest u do the same, you just need a really good idea, and it’s possible to make a game that can get decently popular via scripting alone.
but you’d also need some UI obviously, but i think scripters are naturally mediocre at UI since scripters use them alot
btw free models are basically safe, just check their descendants to see if it has anything innapropriate. just make sure they have no scripts in them. that’s why scripting is the most important skill.
Sometimes, a classic / old-school touch and style actually attracts players, especially older players who enjoy the somewhat nostalgic feel that it gives to a game. In my opinion, if your intended audience is on the younger side, you should try to give your game a “modern” feel, but if you don’t care who your audience is and the map isn’t too shabby for you, I’d run with the style and put my own touch on it if I were you.
It’s not necessarily bad, but the style you’re employing right now is very simplistic, cartoonish, minimalistic, and admittedly somewhat bland. I think @Amritss has a good point, since it seems your game is indeed aimed at a younger audience; therefore, you should try to modernize the feel of your game by implementing better materials (you can find plenty of free materials on sites like poliigon.com) and also giving more attention to smaller details instead of solely focusing on the big picture - for example, focus on the detail of thorns on a cactus instead of just the general large-scale geometry of the map and only adding hills in the background or something.
Yeah it could attract older ones but the game would seem to attract younger audiences better if done correctly. I’m part of the older audience but even I don’t mind playing games that are very colorful and bright as long as they’re enjoyable. I’m pretty sure that’s the opposite for younger audiences though, if there aren’t bright colors everywhere that literally blind you then the younger audience will be smaller. Best way to attract both is to add color.
Oh alright I see thank you for atleast looking into my game, I appreciate anyone who atleast checks out what im trying to make!! And regarding the style for how the map looks, I kinda like it being currently simplistic and bland since I atleast get to try and see something in a larger scale without worrying too much. But I can see your point in focusing with the smaller details as I rushed the cactus when making one of the maps, I’ll be focusing on any possible small detail that could massively or atleast improve how the current style of my map is.
Thanks for the feedback!! I appreciate it, I’ll just summarize my thoughts in here specifically so you don’t get confused but I just like a simplistic or maybe old style of Roblox modelling it just brings some part of charm to me even though admittedly, I never even played Roblox when that was the style it was before. I just liked how it looked and that I could try to make something similar, and for my target audience I don’t really know I was really just aiming for a game that is for everyone as just a time waster so there’s really no specific target audience for my game…
Also now that I look at it the more I work on it the more it doesn’t even feel like a hide and seek game, since the most the kits just promote escaping / chasing and not even actually hiding… So it’s probably gonna end up being misleading when you even see the kits in the first place.
Edit : I also want to ask, would going with a simplistic style of UI be okay for the type of game im working on? I just need feedback on that too since I lack creativity with the UI aspect and minimalistic is the best I can do…
Aye man, it’s about your vision, nobody elses. Just do what you think looks the best.
If that’s the case, you should do what @Amritss was saying; the best way to attract the maximum amount of people is to implement a more cartoonish and saturated style.
I’m sure you can alter them to fit your game, not a big issue.
Yeah, but make sure it fits the game. For example, a Wild West related game would have leather-brown color scheming for the UI, and would have lasso decorations on the corners of buttons and whatever, not a sci-fi, neon, saturated mess of rainbow colors. As long as the color scheme is on point and you add some basic things like borders, simplistic decor, etc etc, your UI should look pretty good, despite its simplicity.
Hey guys! I want to ask something, and that is if I could possibly use this thread to atleast dhowcase any new additions or showcases I have in my game? I’m new to the forums so I don’t really know how this thread works…
I don’t really know if you guys are still seeing thos thread specifically but I don’t really want to open another sooner or later…
So I can’t say much about the code, but the maps look a bit too basic.
Try different styles until you find one that is easy for you and looks nice, for instance, the classic Roblox style is pretty easy to build and can look decent.
Ah really? Sorry about that, map making isn’t really my thing…
And for the style of what in looking for, yeah it’s the classic / simplistic type of style that I’m aiming for. Really because I won’t be thay dedicated to map making in the first place, thank you for your feedback though, I appreciate it!!!