Upcoming Roblox Version Breaks the use of NVIDIA Ansel/Bloxshade

Roblox’s most recent changes to protect any modifications inside the Roblox version folder directly hinder the ability for NVIDIA Ansel to work. This inherently breaks Bloxshade and all Roblox Shaders. NVIDIA Ansel is completely safe to use. The modules are code signed by NVIDIA and Microsoft themselves, as it is a part of NVIDIA’s Display Drivers. The Display Driver already loads other modules into loaders for its basic functionality and the modules required for NVIDIA Ansel don’t open up any security loopholes.

Bloxshade is used among content creators, star creators, game developers, and has even been reposted many times on the Roblox social media. It is a crucial part of content creation for the platform. Bloxshade has grown a community on Roblox with over 50,000 members and a Discord community with over 70,000. It has over 1,300,000 downloads and has a vibrant community all over TikTok and YouTube for short and Long-Form content. Not only is it a tool for content creation, but millions have used it for its gameplay purposes.

Unlike in the past when Byfron was introduced and it initially had broken shader support, NVIDIA Ansel offers immense security that can’t be compared to previous methods. In order for Roblox to resolve this issues, the following measures can be implemented to maintain the stability of one of, if not, the largest third-party Roblox modification for graphics.

NVIDIA has a hard-coded set of lists that it uses for their games to be applicable for Ansel support. It simply checks if the game’s executable matches with one on their list, and if it does, it allows for the usage of their shaders. Not all of the games have depth buffer support, which is why Euro Truck Simulator 2 was chosen as the name that the RobloxPlayerBeta executable was renamed to.

Roblox has the opportunity to reach out to NVIDIA and officially add their executable to the NVIDIA Ansel allowance list. NVIDIA Ansel is a constantly updating feature of NVIDIA Game Filter, as they constantly implement new AI filters into it and is something they showcase in the New NVIDIA APP and at CES this year.

Roblox should whitelist the renaming of the RobloxPlayerBeta.exe, possibly to only “eurotrucks2.exe” or generally allow it. However, the way more ideal option is that Roblox reaches out to NVIDIA and becomes an officially allowed game with NVIDIA Ansel. It is highly advised that when they do this, they allow NVIDIA Ansel to access the depths buffer as some of the most crucial features of modern Roblox shaders require it, such as simple reflections and screen-spaced ray tracing calculations that a majority of users flock to download shaders for.

This is not just a small, independent movement. Creators such as Kreekcraft have even gone on to #SaveBloxshade, as evident by his reply just minutes ago at the time of writing this on how crucial this is to his content creation.

Thank you for reading this. I hope this message can have a huge impact on the future of shaders.


I’m not sure calling your 50,000 members+ Discord server to spam a certain staff member with a hashtag will do much, this will have the complete opposite effect.


Also as of now this has only been seen in 2 ZTest channels (ZTest-1-08-2025 and ZTest-2-05-2025) but the newest one (ZTest-2-07-2025) doesn’t have the issue


This does not have anything to do with Extravi himself as he does not have any access to post on the Roblox DevForum so he asked me to write the post for him.


Also I just wanted to mention this
There’s a channel with a V660 build and it doesn’t have the issue too but well since it’s not from ZBeta I can’t predict if it will have the issue in V660…

Fingers crossed for yall (I’m an Intel guy :pensive:)


This is a horrible update. Shaders really make roblox games look extremely good. But we all know roblox we cant get anything good


I agree

Last time I used shaders was a long time ago before hyperion was implemented and reshade working on roblox was a thing…

Knowing how much Roblox cares about the app itself… (we all agree that despite their efforts to optimize it, it’s still severely unoptimized) yeah that’s just a fever dream to get actual support for NVidia one day.


The server member count doesn’t actually translate into people that would post about this on social media. Looking at #SaveBloxshade on Twitter, apart from one person I saw spamming Bitdancer, you can scroll to the end and see there’s only a handful of people that actually made posts.

I do agree tho there should’ve at least been a disclaimer to not spam people, but in reality we aren’t really a well know community I think, so I guess that kinda helps out with people not being weird and bothering creators too much about it I hope.


Honestly can’t really blame them, I doubt Roblox even personally knows about shaders other than it being brought up here and there, so I just give them the benefit of the doubt since they just do updates without really knowing how many other projects are out there that depend on certain functions within the Roblox player.


This is a bad update that Roblox has made, as by removing the ability to rename the app, it breaks the use of Nvidia Ansel, which Bloxshade uses.

A lot of people used to use Bloxshade for content creation or just general use. I used to use Bloxshade because I wanted to make my game look realistic, and there were quite a few realistic shader packs on there. I stopped using Bloxshade when they announced that they were ending support for Bloxstrap, as I did not want to install a fork of Bloxstrap.


We need shaders a lot of content creators as much as myself use shaders daily since was does not offer and the new update just break shaders im not sure how but I think its something to do with the Anti-Cheat for exploits!

but if that’s the case why is bloxstrap not broken.


It’s a shame to see Bloxshade broken, and with absolutely nothing to show for it in return.

I hope Roblox does help you guys out, however I wouldn’t put any bets on it.


Bloxstrap is just a bootstrapper, it doesn’t interfere with the app itself while running.

In other words, it just downloads the app, copies your mods and flags to the app’s directory then launches the app and since it’s Bloxstrap, sets your RPC if you have it enabled.


Realistically (from my understanding), all Bloxshade does is rename the RobloxPlayerBeta or whatever is in there to “eurotrucks2”. This way they can trick Nvidia Ansel into thinking you’re playing ETS2, and gives u access to Ansel Shaders.

Bloxshade then adds their own shaders, and allows you to add community-made shaders which they recommend, right from the installer.

The reason why Bloxshade doesn’t work anymore is because this upcoming Roblox version prevents you from renaming the app. It does not have anything to do with exploits. Bloxstrap can’t even be used for exploiting, as it is a bootstrapper for Roblox. Bloxstrap doesn’t rename the app, instead it downloads it, copies the modifications and fflags that you added in the bootstrapper to the app’s directory, then launches the app. Thats why it is not broken.


Shaders were fun while they lasted. I hope they can be fixed.


We lost shaders almost 2 years ago due to byfron bc some users don’t have an Nvidia GPU and now they’re destroying shaders even for nvidia gpu


And I want to bring roshade/reshade back


NVIDIA Should make there own shaders for roblox.

Retracing for roblox!

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Roblox briefly opened ZBeta and the issue wasn’t present on the V660 build, it’s most likely safe to say that next update won’t break Bloxshade ! :grin:


It’s now broken on the latest version. But I think it’s because of the hunt since there’s money on the line :confused: