Upcoming Star Wars Map!

Upcoming map… work is done by myself and my partner & friend who specializes in environment design.



Woahhhh! It looks really into detail. Can we get more pictures please?? The lighting looks great, like really great. And the buildings too.

10/10 from what I can see, maybe lessen the threshold on bloom so that the neon isn’t condensed into one spot.

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Thank you very much! We are currently finishing this map, and I’ll post more pictures of it once we do.

And good thinking on the neon bloom thing, thanks for the tip!

You’re welcome and my pleasure. Can’t wait to see this in full form.

Very nice, RagnarokConstruct. Only thing I could imagine is performance or textures up close, but other than that its looking nice. I like the use of meshes and neon to enhance the feel and make it seem as if you were playing Star Wars: Battlefront. You might also want to use color correction to make sure you can get an accurate feel for the map colors. Many shows, movies, and games use a filter over everything to give it more feel. For example, Fallout 3 has a very gray with a hint of green tone to it.

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almost believed that this was from an official stars wars cartoon show; that is amazing looking. great job!

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Thank you for the advice, we’ll definitely check that out. Performance-wise, most PCs can handle the map; and other than that, there are plenty of ways to optimize it through scripts and whatnots.


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Haha, thank you. Glad to hear you say that. :sunglasses:

Looks awesome, personally I am not a huge star wars fan but it still appeals to me which is a great sign. Not much I could comment to make better, just hoping the textures look good up-close too. If they do, then you got yourself a winner.

Overall, great job!

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Thank you! Here are the buildings up close.



Glad to see that the textures look good up close, amazing job!

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Hey guys! Just wanted to update here that the map was completed a few days ago, so enjoy!
We’ve also made a full cantina interior that’s entirely decorated.

Full Map

Cantina Interior


Love the lighting and the rounded, polished look of your buildings. I also enjoy the small details you put into the map to make it more realistic and engaging. The interior looks amazing as well!

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Did you guys enable streaming for this? I could imagine Roblox might have a hard time sending this to your RAM and your device not be able to render all of it at once.