[UPDATE 0.2.0] Lumina - A custom particle system

Yo so this plugin is pretty cool, it makes making VFX much easier honestly, I woud love to see how far it goes, though I wanna ask now that you mention it, is it possible that you can provide the examples savedata in the github or something? I barely use discord as for now, anyways the plugin works pretty well mate, I will look forward for this plugin because it’s looking hella good as for now


After the first major release (1.0.0) I plan to overhaul the documentation to make the exaplanations much better, include guides and put the savedata there for easy access.

But for the time being I have added the savedata into the main github repo.


Incredible plugin! Do you have any plans to improve performance? I notice that when you have a slightly complex particle emitter, it significantly drops the performance (sometimes by 30 FPS). I also noticed that the particles still get rendered when out of view. Maybe preventing them from rendering when out of view could help improve performance?


Yes, performance and qol will be the focus of the next update (1.0.0). It’s something that’s really bothering me so I hope I can get the performance to an acceptable point. Though no matter what it can not compete with the default particle emitter on perfmance due to the lack of studio access and bad implementation of property changes from roblox. (therefore this will not be a great plugin for simple but highly spammy vfx)

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UPDATE 0.2.1

Bug Fix:

  • Line Graph crashes when putting a time value above 1
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Wow, this is a very specific bug. I wonder who could have found it.


how :skull: ??? ansnandsandasndandnadnasndasd

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You already added mesh support???!?!?!?!?!?

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Actually quite a while ago by now


damn that was quick :skull:
Also a minor issue I found

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What’s the issue? Please tell us more, and the lumina development team will get on it!


it goes like 1,2 and then suddenly 11, 12. Ik that it’s not really a big deal but it would still be nice to have that fixed

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Yeah, that’s a known issue that I’ll try to fix but it’s only visual. It happens due to the way that UI elements get ordered, basically if there are more than 10 child elements then the order becomes weird.


Hello, is this system still being maintained? Or is it abandoned? I really wanted to see this project succeed.

The creator mentioned that he has been really busy and still works on it from time to time.

cool stuff, now I can go on a frenzy with Lumina


this is massive once its fully completed

edit: none of the buttons seem to work?

this is pretty darn cool, makes doing vfx a lot easier (especially 3d vfx!!!)

i’d like to see some more stuff be added for mesh particles, specifically with material parent properties (might need the particles to be meshparts instead of specialmeshes), color parent properties (that are able to be plugged into colorramps), and trails (because they’re just darn cool, ok?)