[UPDATE 3] nickibreeki's FPS Template Overhauled

Great template, can’t wait to finish my game and publish it, thanks for the system.

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I was thinking about removing the viewmodels and making the animations be played on the actual player arms, then a first person body script would be added (something like MaximumADHD’s Realism).
Would it work? If so, would it be better in some way?

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You do realize I made a reply, I wasnt talking bout your system.


  • You can add shotgun animations like pump and reload for shotguns and pellet per shot.

  • Sniper bolt in and bolt out animations and sniper scope for sniper rifles like fe gun kit sniper scope.

  • Burst fire for weapons like when player shots the gun its gonna shoot three times.

Some bugs i’ve found:

  • Guns are still bobbing when player aimed.

Hey! Great work, although im wondering as to why you put the sprint input controller in each of the blasters scripts rather than putting it in the initialize() function of the BlasterController, have you not seen it? Other than that, like i said; great work

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Hi there,

Thank you for noticing this. Currently, I am working on update 4, which will be a polished version of the template. Everything will be addressed!

However, update 4 is highly delayed right now… i’m unable to release! :crying_cat_face:


Get well soon! I love the latest release and updates. The project is turning into a wonderful resource.


does this kit or the original version support different ammo or bullet types like shotguns

Well… probably in the next update, I guess…? I’m still taking a break due to some real-life issues right now, so I’m unable to continue with Update 4 :sad:


will you add recoil recentering (camera returns to original pos after firing) and make it a setting?

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Nice! I have heard that Roblox have choosen your Template! Oh this is coming together all nicely.

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Dev Build Version is now rolling out! :blush:

This version **isn't suitable for your game development**. Please use it at your own risk! **Dev Build** is an unfinished product version of "Studio Release."

If you want to use it for your own game, please grab that version instead of this one! Thank you!

VVVVVV (Streamable link sometimes not embed for you, Try to click on “External Media” to watch the video) VVVVVV

External Media

VVVV Sometimes streamable is took a time to load for you, Maybe you can visit my Twitter Tweet Since it’s compression video VVVV

What’s new?

  • Sniper Feature (Animation being animated by @DrissySmh)
  • Steady Feature for Sniper
  • Rework of the way Recoil acts
  • Shotgun Feature will be introduced soon…
  • Recoil Recenter will be introduced soon…
  • [Bug fixed] Every time you equip the item, sometimes it will play the Inspect Animation for no reason

Attributions for this Resource

@DrissySmh — Sniper Rifle Animations
@Roblox — FPS Template Resource, Sniper Rifle Model

— Thread created on 8th July 2024


nice cant wait to see how recoil will work in the next update

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melee weapons would be sick, also this is an awesome system compared to free/paid ones I have used in the past. Keep up the good work, this definitely surpasses fe gunkit. (one thing I would also like to say, is you should implement a system where when holding m1, after said equipped time, the player should be able to shoot their gun, rather than having to m1 after said duration)

Hey! I have a suggestion you should add in future updates, can you add dynamic crosshairs next? Like those in CSGO whenever you move, jump or continuously shoot the crosshair spreads and so does the bullet?

Heres a video talking about it.

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Thought on Update 4

At this moment, the main package has not received any updates from the Dev Build version due to my current schedule that got no empty space for this and technical difficulties with my device.

I would like to inform you that this open-source project will not be updated until I acquire a new device to continue working on it.

Thank you for your understanding and support! :heart:

— nickibreeki


devforum user try to show some respect challenge (impossible)

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When I try to add and replace the sound effects, Shoot for examples, the sound doesn’t play at all. What should I do ?
Edit: None of the sound in the Sounds folder play! Even after I redo the whole reupload the place process! Did I mess something up ?

Ohh I have to add Animation Events! Silly me

I realized there was an AWP in the dev build, May I use that for a CSS bhop/surf fanmade game if I were to make one?