# REMINDER: I didn’t deprecate this template just yet! Currently Update 4 is highly delay at this moment due to myself got into a terrible real-life trouble which caused this unreleased update delay!
25th July of 2024 — Update 4 Announcement
Hi there, nickibreeki here,
Thank you for checking out this thread. This thread is about releasing the overhauled version of the @Roblox FPS Template and explaining the difference between the Vanilla and the Modification versions.
What’s the difference between the Vanilla and Modification Versions?
The modification version includes various features that ROBLOX didn’t originally feature and addresses the mess left in the original version, making it easier to understand and create a game out of the template.
Modification is Including
CameraBone Support
Adds camera movement to the game. This feature will animate your camera if your animation has CameraBone Animation
What’s CameraBone? Watch this video, You can see the Camera Movement, That’s CameraBone! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ec07l8YecQ
Aim Down Sight (Still Early)
Adds an Aim Down Sight system, which is commonly found in FPS games but missing in the ROBLOX Template. This feature is configurable.
Relocate Setting
Settings are moved from Tool Attributes to ModuleScript, making them easier to configure. Located in ReplicatedStorage > Blaster > Data. -
New Settings
New settings offered for game development
AUTO_RELOAD | This setting can be seen in Constants ModuleScript which is located in ReplicatedStorage > Blaster > Constants |
VIEW_MODEL_USE_PROCEDURAL_SPRINT_ANIMATION | This setting can be seen in Constants ModuleScript which is located in ReplicatedStorage > Blaster > Constants |
VIEW_MODEL_CAMERABONE_INTENSITY | This setting can be seen in Constants ModuleScript which is located in ReplicatedStorage > Blaster > Constants |
USE_LEGACY_FIRERATE | This setting can be seen in the Gun Setting which is located in ReplicatedStorage > Blaster > Data > Your_Gun_Name, By set this to “True” the gun will be use the ROBLOX Firerate Version |
HEADSHOT_DAMAGE_MULTIPILER | This setting can be seen in the Gun Setting which is located in ReplicatedStorage > Blaster > Data > Your_Gun_Name |
CAN_AIMDOWNSIGHT | This setting can be seen in the Gun Setting which is located in ReplicatedStorage > Blaster > Data > Your_Gun_Name |
AIM_CURSOR_WEIGHT | This setting can be seen in the Gun Setting which is located in ReplicatedStorage > Blaster > Data > Your_Gun_Name, When you’re aimming, Your Mouse Sensitivity will be decreased by mouse_sen divide with value |
Small Tweak
Viewmodel bobbing is more lifelike, no longer just moving left, right, up, and down.
Recoil is now more immersive and more dynamic!
More Animations Support!
Added support for animations such as “Swaying or Viewmodel Delay”, “Empty Reload”, “Inspect”, “Sprint”, and “Procedural Sprint”.
1 New Function
cullViewmodel(bool: boolean) Allows you to cull your viewmodel for a specific gun. This function might be turned into a global function in the future.
Installation Requirements 
This installation requires a fresh installation. The original version created by ROBLOX has undergone significant changes from the original, necessitating this approach.
Animation Installation 
It’s acquired to create the weapon animation by yourself, though you also can spoof for the animations!
I permit you to use these resources for free. I do not have any objections, as this template is open-source and intended for everyone to use!
Update Installation Process 
The Update installation when it come with the major updates, It require you to do fresh installation, Because there’s a lot the line of the code has gone big changed.
Installation Process
The installation process is simple. Visit the following link, which will redirect you to the game page
Once you’re at the game page, Hover your Mouse/Cursor all the way to 3 Dot and
Click on “Edit In Studio”
Will this be the replacement of ROBLOX FPS Template?
It depends on user choice. Users can choose between the vanilla version or the modification version.
Currently there’s only 3 way to support my creation, You can show your support by
File Bug Report in my Discord Server or File Bug Report in this thread
(Less active on DevForum may take a time)
Click here to Redirect to my Discord Server -
Donating me with Robux Currency, Do this will help me a little bit on the game development side
Click here to Redirect to game -
Donating with US Currency, This will help so much because i have to funds myself an Education and Support my Medical Treatment
Click here to Redirect to buymeacoffee.com
Experiencing Bug?
If you are experiencing bugs, please join my Discord server and file a Bug Report in the “Bug Report” channel.
There is a verification process to prevent bots and raiding.
After verification, please use the title “OHFPPT_[yourtitle]” and provide as much detail as possible.
Note that I might have difficulty understanding English as I am a native speaker of another language. Thanks you for picking my my template!
- Vanilla
- Modified
0 voters
- Yeah!
- It’s Ok
- Kinda Meh
- Nah…
0 voters
2024 FPS Template provided by @Roblox — Modified by @NickiBreeki
Friday 8th July 2024 — CLICK TO VIEW
[UPDATE 3] nickibreeki's FPS Template Overhauled - #28 by NickiBreeki
Friday 8th July 2024 — CLICK TO VIEW UPDATE
“Hey, did you just skip updates 1 and 2?” Nope! The previous thread includes updates 1 and 2, so this is… update 3!
What’s New?
Numerous features have received amazing updates, and I truly enjoyed working on this one!
Shirt Support and Custom Rig
I’ve decided to add clothing options, like shirts, to the view model. Players can toggle this on and off and select the shirt container in Gun Settings. Additionally, the Custom Rig is now officially live!
Recreated Animation System
This update is particularly exciting. I know many of you are tired of scrolling up and down just to configure animations. I’ve redone the animation system! From now on, there is no need to scroll up and down anymore because we have “ModuleScript”.
The animation instance will be created automatically from the server side and stored in a folder called “Animations”. Inside the “Animations” folder, you will find the Weapon Name folder, which contains both “ViewModel” and “WorldModel”.
You may ask, “What’s the difference between ‘viewmodel’ and ‘worldmodel’?”
ViewModel indicates a “View” or perspective model—a model from our perspective. WorldModel represents the third-person character animation, which is what we call “WorldModel”.
1 ViewModel Animation and WorldModel Animations Now Live!
A new ViewModel Animation, “First Equip,” will play every time a player equips the gun for the first time.
In past updates, I overlooked this aspect and even forgot it existed. In this update, I decided to give it the attention it deserves!
NEW 3 Constants!
This update primarily focuses on ADS (Aim Down Sights) features.
HIDE_RETICLE_ON_AIMMING | Hides the reticle when aiming down sight to improve readability |
VIEW_MODEL_AIM_SWAY_INTENSITY | Higher values increase sway intensity |
VIEW_MODEL_AIM_BOBBING_INTENSITY | Higher values increase bobbing intensity |
NEW 4 Gun Settings!
This update also introduces new gun settings related to ADS.
AIM_COMPONENT | Name of the Aim Component |
USE_LEGACY_AIM | Enables overwriting the ADS transition |
AIM_OFFSET | Adjust the center position when ADS isn’t centered |
VIEWMODEL_HAS_SHIRT | If the ViewModel has a shirt rig, enable this to apply the character shirt to the ViewModel |