[UPDATE!] Airbus A380-800 Realistic Plane 3D Model for Coval Airlines

New exciting update to the A380-800! Now while I haven’t added the rear tail fins yet, there is still a lot of new stuff that I have added, as well as a few remasters.

Let me know what you think!

18/02/2021 Update on Airbus A380-800

(Also, don’t mind the Shade Flat effect for now. I primarily use it to be more precise with the details.)

Anyways, thank you all so much for your support. Don’t forget to favorite if you enjoyed this topic, it helps a lot! :grinning:


I liked your work. Maybe you can sell this plane to some airline companies.


At the moment it will only be exclusive to Coval Airlines. But maybe in the future it might be up for sale!


if you want, create Airbus Logo.Because A380 is Airbus.

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Looking hot, I think I’m in love with the model! Are you planning on adding the pitot tubes, navigation lights, landing lights and reverse thrusts?


I’m actually planning on adding every detail possible. The cockpit will most likely have over 200 buttons which will all be functional. At Coval Airlines, we will aim to bring the most realistic flight experience to the passengers. For the staff, it will be a very realistic flight simulator. No guarantees yet, but we will try our best.


Sounds great, I might give Coval Airlines a try when I have time to!

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We would be really happy to see you onboard with us in the future!

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This part looks a bit blocky. Perhaps try smoothing it out a bit?

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I’m using Shade Flat for now to better orientate myself with the exact place I can implement some of the details.

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Oh , okay. :+1: Good luck with your creation!

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Thank you very, very much! Support is greatly appreciated! :grinning:


As a aviation enthusiast, I have to say, this is just incredible. Looks super realistic and you’re trying to add every detail!

Well done :+1:
Looking forward for the final product!

wow I just wanna see this thing when its done. How long have you been modeling?

Funny story, I only had a few months of experience in Blender.

you really gotta add some support loops around the panelgaps on the jet engines, the seperation lines currently look way too round and bubbly, overall shape looks nice though the lines on the wings feel quite sharp

I’m trying to save tris for the interior, otherwise the lag will be unbearable.

the amount of tris the things i suggested will add shouldn’t be alot compared to the overall tricount of your aircraft so i don’t see why not

looks good I have been modeling in Blender for a little bit

Wow just wow :+1:!
However, I guess I should put some feedback so here some.

  • You should smooth shade the plane with auto smooth
  • The turbines shouldn’t be that curved
    Other than that I can’t wait textured version.