Update-booster-playtesters | Add your Server Boosters as Team Create playtesters



Recently I put this Discord convenience bot together that can automatically add your Server Boosters as Team Create playtesters to your game!

What it does in steps

  1. fetch your Discord server’s current boosters and your game’s current playtesters
  2. check if the boosters are verified with RoVer or Bloxlink and get their Roblox user IDs
  3. check if the boosters should be added to the Team Create (it takes group ranks into account; if a user has a rank in the game’s group which already has access to the Team Create, it doesn’t add them)
  4. check if the current playtesters should be removed (people who aren’t boosting anymore or people specified in IGNORE_USERS)
  5. add new playtesters and remove old ones
  6. optionally output a message to a Discord channel
  7. once finished, it will kill the bot and exit the process

The bot is programmed in Node.js and uses the libraries Discord.js for the Discord bot part and bloxy for accessing the Roblox Web API.

Output example


Source and installation

I have currently hooked this to a cronjob on my server that runs every 6 hours and it works like a charm!



This actually was an idea i didnt even consider, usually there is just applications and stuff for most big games to become a tester. However if you also incentivize boosts with becoming a tester it will help your discord server out as well. Very smart can see a use for many people from this.

I do like the idea of applications considering if you care about hype surrounding an update you want people who can be trusted and not just people who boost. But for those this is a good option for them.


I see your point! Luckily it’s pretty versatile, the filter callback in the follow line:

can easily be replace with for example something like:

member => member.roles.cache.has('TRUSTED_ROLE_ID')

to have the bot add members on a trusted role instead.

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Smart man I like it. Thats pretty versatile actually.