Hello all,
I’ve recently completed development of my new game, Castle Tycoon. After 4 months of work, it’s ready to be released to the public!
I apologize for the default icons and thumbnails, I’m still working on new ones.
About the game
Castle Tycoon is the first “real” game I’ve ever developed before. At its heart, it’s a basic tycoon game. You can buy droppers for more gold, weapons, and expand and upgrade your fort. The game fits 4 players.
About the process
Castle Tycoon’s original source code came from a set of online tutorials. No kit was used. The game looked pretty cool in the tutorials, but when I began work on it, obvious flaws appeared. The game was impractical at best and unplayable at worst.
I was able to use my own coding knowledge and lots of help from the developer forum to fix the game. I had a lot of fun designing multiple aspects of the game, from building the buyable items and adding functionality through scripting, all the way to tweaking the lighting to get it just right.
In the Future…
Castle Tycoon is still… unfinished. Even though the game is perfectly playable as it is, I have a ton of ideas in my head for the game, and the Castle Tycoon I’m imagining for the future is nowhere near the Castle Tycoon that I’m presenting to you all now.
Anyways, I value any and all feedback on the game before I release it. I would love to know what I can improve on!
(One last thing… HUGE thanks to @MRKYLO20 for helping me out with scripting the game. There were several points in the process when I was stuck, and he came in and helped me figure it out.)
Hope you all are having a great day!
Edit: Added game Icon
Edit 2: Added game thumbnails
Edit 3: You can join the games group here
Edit 4: Updated the game, see below