[Update] Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

Problem is that it would waste another audio effect limit out of the 9 more I can upload until april 18th.


SFX (<6 seconds) is set to public usage by default, you can’t change that for whatever reason.

So these audios cannot be set to private, as long as one has the ID they can download and play each and one of them, despite this update’s goal being privacy.

But we know music was targeted for a lawsuit, so in the end it makes sense as to why short audios cannot really be protected just yet.


Well dang, you could have gotten 100 audio uploads if you verified with your personal information, such as your personal information drivers license or personal information photo ID or your personal information passport or whatever personal information identification so you can get more than 10 uploads per month.

That shouldn’t be necessary. This update trades paying basic currency for audio with personal ID, with extremely small leeway. I don’t know how much you respect online databases or your personal info, but some of us would prefer an alternative option. Not everybody is comfortable submitting that kind of information online. Gov’t IDs are very sensitive info.


When i find good musics on apm, i cannot find it on Roblox.

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how I can find sounds that are not made by Roblox

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Some of us live in places that issue non-photo IDs and some of us don’t drive and roblox support just tells you to read the age verification article even if you tell them beforehand it doesn’t help so…


I’m not a fan of the change, I know that this is for the better but I feel like this is doing more harm than good. I mean, we are talking about making custom music gamepass not working. Like, games that use music gamepass are now forced to use your music (which to me is not good) or they have to find another way to give them a boost in the game. I just don’t think that this update was worth the trouble and a lot of developers like myself suffer heavily on other people’s audios to make the experience better. I also think that people who bought premium or buy anything related to benefits should get more audios, 10 free uploads for 30 days and I’m paying 4.99$ for that much is ridiculous, I would love to get at least 50 free uploads when I am paying you guys 4.99$ month. Come on Roblox, we all know that you can help developers out and give them an extra 40 uploads. 40 extra uploads won’t hurt your bank, let’s be honest now.


You can’t which sucks, cause most of the sounds Roblox provides us are not good.


I think it should at least be 100 uploads for the default honestly. We were given 2 weeks to reupload and make sure all of our audios work in our game using a 10 uploads a month and no paying for extra system. If it was 100, at least most of us could’ve been prepared except for the people who have extremely large-scale games. It makes no sense why age verification would increase the upload limit either (except maybe to prevent bots) and I think it would’ve been a lot better if premium players had the increased upload limit, in this case it should’ve been 250-500. Also all of these roblox uploaded audios just make it harder to replace the audios in our games. I looked up “forest ambience” to replace one of many broken audios in my game and the page was filled with roblox-issued music that just had “ambience” in the title and most of them were duplicates of each other. I can’t even fix that forest ambience problem by the way, I only have 3 more uploads a month and I need to use those to fix a portion of the sound effects.


I really hope Roblox does eventually re-enable audio distribution, even if classic audio remains silent, because right now it defies the purpose of it being a “creator marketplace”, and forces small creators to take more difficult routes. It’s like if all of a sudden, scripts that you inserted but didn’t make stopped working even if they had no problems, though that would be even worse.


It’s because your audio is set to be accessible by all experiences, which can’t be undone.

If you upload new sounds, you can set permissions.


I hate this already. I need SFX for my games and this doesn’t help with my workflow. Why roblox WHY


im genuinely considering quitting. This update has ruined my chances of ever making my game.


If you type SFX with after a certain word like Water SFX, you can get roblox made sound effects. This might help


Will there ever be an update to allow refunds? Ya’ll should refund individuals who bought a car radio system or something similar since you guys were the ones who made it incompatible. It isn’t the developers fault, it’s Roblox. Roblox should issue the refund and it shouldn’t be at the developers expense.


nice, i’ll make sure to use some stock SFX which doesn’t match my needs.

I can’t find any good SFX on the internet either. I only found good sfx after searching “beep sfx”. Where I found a decent SFX that wasn’t made by roblox. This really shows how downhill this update will be.


Best update ever thanks for this updates as the new sounds are awesome


Yes, this is a great update, the empty library is so awesome!


Yea my apologies, that’s what I heard and so that’s what I thought it was. It seems that Roblox needs to consider you a “developer” which is pretty stupid tbh.

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ROBLOX ignoring most people’s wishes as always

Okay, we get it, It may be related to all the lawsuits ROBLOX has faced. This isn’t the worse outcome, but they could of dealt with this situation better, for sure. The update felt like it was just rushed so ROBLOX could keep all their money.

Delaying the update to a much more suitable time

This is just a common thing that ROBLOX should of done at first, if they had delayed this to a much more suitable time, let’s say, a delay of a couple weeks, then we would be able to deal with this more, or at least had more time with the old system.

Testing this update before deciding to publish it

It’s clear that this update was rushed. Audios under 6s don’t work at times, and the Marketplace crashed over this, Great platform ROBLOX. If they had tested the update before releasing it, it would of been a good idea, or even delay it, like said earlier.

Improving their Moderation

This is just something ROBLOX should of done in the first place, improved their moderation for Audio and Copyright. So much has been dodged over and audios that aren’t even Copyrighted have been striked, parodies of songs too.