[Update] Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

Y’know that’s revenue correct? You realize that’s their yearly revenue? They have $38 billion In the bank right now.


Yeah I’m gonna delete that post bc I don’t know if im correct now that I think about it


My favorite game, Juke’s Towers of Hell, over 3-4 years of history, over a year of playing this game, ruined. How can I possibly forgive Roblox for this?

All of those towers you see in the distance use an average of 1 audio per floor, and there are certainly way more out of view, almost the entire game is silent now.


I agree with that, I just didn’t want to look gretty.


Hi MorganT, I have question i have uploaded copyrighted music already before and it’s deleted it’s possible to get robux refund for that?

Thank You.

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I agree, it’s making it harder for me to produce “quality” updates for my game.


I agree, the update was way too rushed and Roblox is doing more harm than good in this situation.



“everywhere at the end of time, stage 6”


i still genuinely cannot believe this update actually came to fruition, i can’t think of a worse change this site has ever experienced


some of the sfx shorter than 6 seconds somehow got randomly muted
this is something-that-was-given-without-warning update
this is already affecting a lot of games, and seeing this happen now tampers the experience of games on the Roblox platform, especially old, discontinued games/experiences.
this update made me very unhappy with the actions Roblox is doing over this change.


im genuinely considering quitting. This update has ruined my chances of ever making my game.

If you reasonably feel like your opportunities for game development are shrinking because of Roblox’s disastrous changes, then have this handy list of alternative engines to use, hopefully it helps:

  • Unity is very popular and pretty much has tutorials and lessons in many corners of the internet, and is practically the go-to engine for many beginners for this reason. However, in my opinion, the below options are a lot more appetizing.
  • Godot is a straightforward engine to use, and it’s node system makes it easy to transition over from Roblox compared to unity’s entity component system. With different types of nodes doing specific things much like how Roblox has instances for different purposes, you can even create your own types of nodes. Ontop of that it’s a very compact engine, with the entire engine being a single exe file under 100MB. It’s also FOSS (Free and Open Source Software). It also officially supports 3 languages, GDScript is very syntactically similar to python, and is gradually typed like Roblox Luau, and is consequently very easy to learn. GDNative lets you write C++ if you’re experienced enough to do that, and the Mono version of Godot supports scripts written in C#, which is great for anyone transition from Unity.
  • LÖVE is a 2D games framework that lets you write simple or complex games in Lua, but it gives you alot of control over everything, including setting up your own meshes, shaders written in GLSL, manipulating the options and flags for texture (filtering type, mipmaps, pixel format, etc), and a heck of a lot more. Not to mention that the framework is very easy to set up, just create a folder with a “main.lua”, and drag the folder over love.exe to test. And finally, like Godot, it is also under 100MB to download and FOSS.
  • OpenGL, this is a crazy idea and very impractical for any beginner, or even intermediates, but if you’re really up for the challenge, you can write code for OpenGL directly in C, but is also available in C++, C#, F#, Rust, and a lot more thanks to interoperability. I’m currently learning to use OpenGL in C# using OpenTK (i even got my own Mesh class working :D). I do not recommend using Lua for this as it’s a higher-level language, even if its a considerably fast one.

oh yeah that. I’ve been learning it. I might try and use that for a game. But a triangle isn’t really going to help me out very much


That still doesn’t justify that many games will go silent because of terrible updates. I’m sorry but the new SFX and songs are just bad, and no developer wants to use them but now we are forced to use these HORRIBLE songs.


Why are Roblox Audios that I JUST STARTED USING TODAY, suddenly private?

It’s the same with OTHER audios that are shorter than 6 seconds.


Im not sure you got my message when I emphasized the 2 words “Personal information” for giving it to a corporation so you can get >10 audio uploads per month.

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If it isn’t clear enough, im completely against giving “Personal information” to a corporation just so you can get more free audio uploads per month.


Great update. Now most of the audios i had in the “My Audio” tab no longer work.
Thanks roblox!


No problem dude! I hope you have a great time with the update!

I’m experiencing several bugs related to audio privacy:

1. The Audio Discovery plugin still displays the same “OK status” for my audio despite granting permission through the browser to for all of these sounds:

2. I’m getting in-game errors for sounds that I’ve already granted permission to use in my universe:

Here are the permissions for that sound:

3. Clicking the “Click here to grant Universe permissions to asset.” message does nothing (or at least displays no response and doesn’t change the asset’s permissions).