[Update] Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

im uploading Chinese dance machine 2007 by f-777 I even asked is it copyrighted he said no you can check YouTube he will even say its not copyright? none of my audios have metadata since im using a different operating system also I download them from new grounds? as you find your way in uploading audios to that website there’s a setting that saves saying do you want other viewers to download this music you can press no or yes? but I check other games they have the same audio

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So much for transparency from the admin team that they have yet to do a damn thing about this.


Who did you ask? Everything published has copyright, even if not officially registered. In the case of Chinese Dance Machine, it appears to be owned by “Snafu Records”. Even if a website allows you to download something, that doesn’t mean you have permission to use it. Just like you can’t use any random image from Google Images for commercial purposes. When uploading an asset, you need to make sure that you either own the asset or are licensed to use it. If you believe that you do have the rights to use it, you can dispute the claim here.

Also, perhaps I’m misunderstanding what you mean, but having a different operating system is irrelevant to metadata.

On the topic of checking YouTube, while that’s not traditionally how you check for copyright, you can still find it there as well:



It’s been 14 months…not even an update on choosing to publish new SFX (i.e. so that they can be used in public models [or models shared with friends and teammates]); we now have to share the SFX off-platform which forces the receiver to re-upload it and hope that their download didn’t come from a dangerous site, unless it was like, shared privately on social media or something.


i know this is an old reply, but no, they did not make any improvements to the system to identifying if its music or sfx, it sucks


I think the strangest thing is that the current problem is caused by this mostly being a bandaid solution to avoid lawsuits rolled out 9 months after NMPA’s $200M one against Roblox for audio copyright, but people can still legally file lawsuits against audio hosted on their website (even if it’s private), all the private stuff just makes it fly under the radar and delay any corporations from actually seeing copyrighted audio on the site. This means we traded public audios & dealt with all of these bugs/workflow issues over a year just to merely DELAY the POSSIBILITY of lawsuits, not stop them.

I believe a proper analogy would be like trying to use FlexSeal to patch up a large hole in a city’s dam.

Except the seal has been there for well over a year now. Many civilians keep coming to complain about leaks ruining productivity, some with expertise even providing proper solutions, but no officials with the authority to replace it have actually checked up on it since placement; cited “too busy repainting the architecture for the 17th time, so that new folk will arrive.”.

As an interesting note, the new folk did arrive, pockets full of silver. None of them knew of the hole in the dam, nor did the previous folk know of the 16 others before them, as many departed before figuring it out. The shiny new architecture around the city & soothing words of the officials on other matters ensured that there would be peace… Until the 18th hole is made.

Wow, Roblox is almost old enough to be an adult now! :roll_eyes:. Also, they just made $650M in the FIRST QUARTER ALONE of this year, completely dwarfing the earlier stated audio copyright lawsuit of $200M. They quite literally have enough money to face tank any and all lawsuits, but would rather do a disservice to the very people keeping them afloat. You can tell they have extra too, because they keep nonstop acquiring companies every year (Imbellus, Bash, Guilded, TriplePlay, Byfron…). Of course a business doesn’t want lawsuits, but I honestly think continuously disappointing the people who are the lifeblood of your company is even worse. WE JUST WANT SOMETHING MORE THAN RADIO SILENCE!

-Signed, a dev who has been driven mad by over a year of audio permission prompts, inevitably forced off-site audio sharing, a poor audio searching system, droves of bugs, and somehow almost every single community-created audio snippet being 1000x better than any kind of stock sound Roblox’s audio bot uploads


yes roblox should atleast give us some insite


Finally some news for the horrible audio update!
So normalent we will have more information towards the end of 2023 / 2024 (At least I hope …)


One can hope.

One can hope.

Roblox has been dead silent about this for no reason at all.


If it were’nt for this horrible update last year, we would don’t have to worry about when we will make sounds public.


Can you be able to get any sounds from someone without giving them edit access?

Because, this is a problem for every developers who has trust issues (And 10 audio upload limits as well.)

I’m not looking forward to doing that just to add the sound into my game. :slightly_frowning_face:


It has been more than a year, and it is outrageous that they haven’t made the option to make audios public. Audio is absolutely crucial in a game, and its such a pain adding 10+ of my OWN places to every one of my OWN audios. I can’t even distribute my audio to the people who actually use it because I need Team Create access, and in my opinion, I am not entitled to that access. It’s the developer’s choice if they would like to add me or not. The handling of this situation is absolutely awful, and many of the games that have my audios in them just don’t work, because I need Team Create access.

Roblox, you are a multi-BILLION dollar company. I don’t think we’re asking very much of you. We simply need three answers:

  1. Why did you make this update (the REAL reason)?
  2. What is the remedy to this issue?
  3. When is it coming?

Seriously, I’m getting so sick of just waiting, radio silent, and expect us to just deal with an update that completely changes the means we’ve been using to share assets for more than a decade. Maybe be a bit more transparent with the users that make your game what it is so don’t eventually up and leave to pursue our ambitions some other way because of your incompetence.


Have you read Week 4 of the Creator Roadmap yet?

Roblox is corporate, they don’t care about you, they care about your wallet. It is no secret that your complaints fall on deaf ears. I will say this for the umpteenth time within this thread; be patient, for there are no other options.


where did u find this


“Creator Hub is your key to success” → “Collaborate more efficiently as a team”

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So like, you guys gonna finally add the ability to make public audios?


this whole update really shouldn’t have happened in the first place but fortunately according to the creator roadmap it looks like we can publicize audios again in 2024


We’ve already waited so long, and now they say next year it will happen? Haven’t we already waited long enough? I guess I should just be glad they are returning, but dang its taking its time to roll out again.




I feel like it’s gonna roll out on the last day of 2024