[Update] Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

(I’m very frustrated)
:rage: :rage:
this is disappointing roblox remove this update many creators of games will get very unhappy for this abrupt change.
I had enough of this stupid audio moderation change that made us lose our audios we worked on for a long time
we want our audio back.


Yep the community has had enough. REALLY ENOUGH.
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I think it was either miscommunication between staff or as a greedy precautionary measure, as it was abruptly done several months after that big copyright suit in '21 was settled. Last year I was pressured into belief that Roblox was being sued again around the time the changes happened, but now I don’t think it’s true.

I’m not sure they understand that because of their copyright negligence, they could’ve been busted for allowing copyrighted music to be played even if it was uploaded by the game creator.
In my opinion, asset privacy is a really good idea and benefits some creators (since new uploads default to private), but it has made zero sense for them to ostracize creators (including composers for Roblox) from publishing their TOS-compliant audio to the marketplace, especially for this long and without proper reasons other than “while we work on another solution”. At this point I don’t know if everyone can wait until 2024, and I’m not completely certain that they’ll even roll out what they may have promised for every asset type during that timeframe. This “temporary” change was so backlashed that they honestly owe us another apology when this is all over.


yes i don’t know why they’re so restrictive


Day Number 502 since this update was put into effect.

502 days since we were promised an update.

The irony of “Updates Coming Soon”. What is your definition of soon? Who knows maybe it will be on day number 503. We are still waiting for this empty promise to be fulfilled.


What is the logic behind not being able to publicize short audio created after the update, even though all short audio prior to the update was set to public.


Is there any way I can make my audios public? It’s been a year now, and the option is still disabled for me. I’m ID and phone verified. None of the audios I have are copyrighted. Is there anything I can do?


BitFist no longer works at Roblox iirc.


Eventually someone’s going to sue over products like these and the rubber band will snap


The irony is strong my friend, but should we be surprised? No, look at all the games with copyrighted content that never got taken down (prime example being anime games).
The community (myself included) eventually embraced this atmosphere, it’s Roblox’s “fault” for making the community stabilize on copyrighted content, a community of teenagers and children doesn’t care about these things.

This is yet another band aid fix that doesn’t actually fix anything in the long run, and all the work that has been put into making sure copyrighted audios don’t come back is easily bypassable, not to mention UGC items opening yet another field of legal issues.

Any other company at this point would have been slaughtered for such things, but Roblox is unique on this take, when a game with heavily copyrighted content is uploaded without any checks, Roblox still earns money from it before the game eventually gets taken down (if it does get taken down at all), and the cycle continues, therefore it is a legal loophole that has been going on for a long time.

Updates like this one and the change from “games” to “experiences” show the type of attitude Roblox has concerning legal issues, it’s all about avoiding the big hits but going back to ignoring whatever illegal activity was and IS happening once the current drama is resolved.


It is roblox’s fault! Why did they do this?


As every day passes with this stupid audio privacy update I’m getting much angrier at roblox


I dislike this audio update because most of the audios/songs I use for my games are just gone and it is very hard to find them again


That isn’t the whole update.
The update is two parts, one allowing free uploads, the other forcing privacy.
Everyone likes the free uploads, everyone hates being unable to share.


I think we also hate the upload limits. Honestly they make some sense if they’re replacing a Robux fee but they are just too strict towards the unverified.


With BitFist no longer working at Roblox, I’m really hoping history didn’t just repeat itself.


I hope so. I really hope this will end soon

Do you hate this?



Same here i also hate the audio privacy update (audio moderation which i call it)


I don’t have a problem with the upload limit. I upload, at most, 3 audios per month.


Wish the upload limits were based on audio length or size instead of individual assets.

Trying to upload a bunch of sounds like footsteps/ui clicks, etc. that are 0.5 seconds, and it’s very difficult with the current limits. A single background soundtrack is the length of like 300 of these sounds. Just wish the limits were managed a bit differently.