Update Experimental Mode When Publishing

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to update your games Experimental Mode status.

My game Time Clash was recently featured on PC, Mobile, and Tablet. The game was checked for Experimental Mode just before it was featured and all went well. The day after my game was put on the sort I decided to create a test place for another map of my game. Even though the game was not Experimental Mode the website was not updated and my game has been filtered out of the <13 sort. You currently have to play your game online for the security mode to update. This is an issue because I only used my test place in Studio, which does not update the setting. As soon as I fixed this issue the game went from 150 players to 700 players. I will keep a closer eye on stuff like this in the future but I have a proposal to prevent future developers from taking on the same loss. When you upload a game to Roblox from Studio, the experimental mode status should update as well. If that’s not the preferred method i trust that the Roblox engineers could come up with a clever way to change this setting more effectively and make it more obvious when a place in your game is filtered (maybe on the Developer Stats page).

If Roblox addresses this issue, confusion between whether your game is Filtered or not will be lowered and less developers will need to learn the hard way.

My game fully supports FE and the settings in Studio were all correct, even on the test places. It simply did not join my test places and it caused a major loss in players. I have now joined all places to update the settings. This is the difference on my visit count in just 1 hour. Thanks for considering a fix for this issue, I am looking forward to getting feedback about the proposed changes. This is under Studio Features because I think Studio should update these settings when you publish.


Can’t you just go and tick the “FilteringEnabled” box on Workspace?

Yes. The issue is not that FE was disabled. It was actually enabled from the time I created the place. The problem is that you have to join that place in your game online in order for it to update.


Hmm. Interesting


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Step 1. Publish real game place as filtering disabled.
Step 2. Publish starter place to be joined as filtering enabled.
Step 3. Profit?

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Roblox would keep track of everything, or just have a FE toggle per-game instead of per-place. Don’t see any problems with this feature request.

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