Hi, I am using this basic script that puts the ping into an IntValue using the GetNetworkPing function, but it seems to update every 10-15 seconds for some reason?
Script (server):
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local PingFolder = Instance.new("Folder")
PingFolder.Name = "leaderstats"
PingFolder.Parent = player
local Ping = Instance.new("IntValue")
Ping.Name = "Ping"
Ping.Parent = PingFolder
while task.wait() do
Ping.Value = math.floor(player:GetNetworkPing() * 2000)
That is probably not a error, It is probably something implemented into Roblox to stop overloading their servers and why do you need to multiply ping by 2000?
‘IntValue’ objects truncate the decimal from their assigned values already, the use of ‘math.floor’ isn’t necessary. GetNetworkPing returns a value in seconds, so 30 ping (m/s) would translate to 0.03 seconds.
local Game = game
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local function OnPlayerAdded(Player)
local Leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder")
Leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
local Ping = Instance.new("NumberValue")
Ping.Name = "Ping"
Ping.Parent = Leaderstats
Leaderstats.Parent = Player --Minor optimisation.
while Player.Parent do --Prevents memory leaks.
Ping.Value = Player:GetNetworkPing()
Bare in mind that in studio the server is locally hosted resulting in a ping of 0 (m/s), you’ll need to test in a live session.