[update] latest update made everything lag and break

made one of my scripts lag hard, from 50 fps to 8 making game unplayable
doesn’t lag if used from server scripts, only local scripts

confidential module script:

usage(local script):
local Beam = require(module)
local D=Beam.new()
D.Color=BrickColor.new(“Bright blue”)
local stopped = Beam.Fire(D, CFrame.new(0, 50, 0))

and a lot of scripts are glitching

This is being fixed, see other thread about the issue.

they’re two things just fixed

[strike]now gamepasses are breaking, what the hell…[/strike]
nvm they made it only show 1 page…

broken hopperbins now
a lot of stuff in local scripts is broken

This is the sign of the end of days!!

But seriously, this update is lagging my game to hell when there was previously no lag at all. I’m pretty sure it broke Data Persistence as well, because nobody’s data is being saved

[quote] This is the sign of the end of days!!

But seriously, this update is lagging my game to hell when there was previously no lag at all. I’m pretty sure it broke Data Persistence as well, because nobody’s data is being saved [/quote]

yeah they broke a lot of games
i await their response

my character customizer now crashes people

so is it being fixed?
i don’t plan rewriting everything

Roblox Crash
SeikuTheHedgehog wrote at 2/16/2015 6:05 PM Report Abuse
Roblox crashes whenever I click Redo Character, why? How can I fix it? Thanks in advance.

Bug or glitch.
Tenshie wrote at 2/16/2015 12:05 AM Report Abuse
Hi Robotmega, I have found a bug or glitch that when ever I charge or use a move I would get teleported randomly to a different location so if you can fix that for me or if it is happening to anyone else it would be helpful thanks! Also keep up the awesome work!

sayiangoku3 wrote at 2/16/2015 9:00 AM Report Abuse
the game DBZFA the update where you added the new map and when you use a beam like final flash or obliberation it laggs

Chadd88 wrote at 2/16/2015 6:27 AM Report Abuse
Your DBFA gamepasses are no longer available

Teleport error in background with coords for new char
DarkLizz wrote at 2/16/2015 5:44 PM Report Abuse

bbrodriguez26 wrote at 2/15/2015 1:12 PM Report Abuse
your hyperbolic twister move glitches and teleports us back to where korin tower is… can you fix that move?


laggy beam bug
Spyronator wrote at 2/14/2015 1:17 PM Report Abuse
beams lag af now–they only lag when you have a transformation on. normal form = no lag

Omega Blaster Glitched
KakaKarrotKaik wrote at 2/14/2015 12:41 PM Report Abuse
I have noticed that Omega Blaster randomly goes under the map and won’t hit targets t hat it is aimed for.
It works well on public servers but in VIP Server, it glitches all the time. It eventually glitches in Public Servers. Pleaszxe fix this.

DataPersistance and HopperBins are broken? My guess is a fix will not come seeing both are deprecated.

Data Persistence shouldn’t be deprecated because hundreds of popular games still use it. I doubt many developers made the switch to Datastores upon introduction

I agree that I didn’t. But here is the thing with it, the solution is the PlayerDataStore module. If you run an old game with DataPersistance, you have a good excuse, but new games have no real excuse.

I agree that I didn’t. But here is the thing with it, the solution is the PlayerDataStore module. If you run an old game with DataPersistance, you have a good excuse, but new games have no real excuse.[/quote]

It’s a nifty script, however a user made module (sorry stravant) doesn’t officially deprecate C-sided methods.

hopperbins aren’t broken it’s just roblox breaking everything again