Update log 1 on modern mansion / safehouse build

Hello! I’ve been working on a modern mansion recently and i’m going to start doing updates to it. I’m gonna base a lot of the updates on feedback in the comments. Here’s the game link, have a look and let me know what you think! Modern mansion - Roblox
-Added a security/control room
-Added much more detail to the living room
-Completely overhauled the upstairs
-Added a sitting room downstairs
-Furnished the garage

Please keep in mind that this build is supposed to be a safehouse for a criminal or government organization. (Ever heard of entry point?)

Anyways, that’s all. Feedback helps a ton! :ok_hand:

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image bed is not one union and look ugly

Try to align the parts as much as possible
It is a really nice game, unfortunately I can use a maximum of 5 out of 10 graphics

I’m playing on mobile, so excuse me if there’s any difference between platforms. I really like the build itself, it’s spacious and modern. But I found a few problems so far:

Some areas, like this one, are just incredibly bright. It’s almost like the walls are neon (which I know they’re not) and smaller details are near invisible.

This also shows some Z-fighting I found in the living room area (if I guessed correctly). More Z-fighting can be found in the control room in the basement.

The parts aren’t connected, creating a very noticable gap in the texture

Very, very empty, you should fill it up with things like boxes or containers, or make it more interesting with a bonus room or something similar.

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Thanks! it’s currently in moder lighting right now but i’m thinking of making it voxel or compatibility.

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I’ve just played your game on PC, and the lighting problem doesn’t seem to be occurring there. I’ll classify it as a mobile-only issue for now, as I’ve experienced this kind of inconsistency before. Although I could see finer details now, the lights are still pretty bright in my opinion and should be dimmed down regardless of the mobile issue.

Alright. Right now i’m actually dimming the lights, it looks fine in both shadowmap and future. Thanks for the feedback!

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My opinion is that you should get some cool textures in there and stop using the normal roblox ones, apart from that great job! :laughing: :+1: