Update Log For Lionhearts - Beta
- Fixed Victory screens not working in Matchmaking or in Capture System
- Fixed an error in the Client Side of Projectiles
- Fixed a lot of console errors
- Fixed housing tax rate error
- All ‘null’ entries for PropertyTaxRate in the FactionTreasury table have been set to a default 3%
- Fixed compass locations sometimes displaying as undiscovered when they have been previously discovered
- Bows no longer award XP for damaging NPCs
- The Stable Master has returned to Siracusa
- Fixed stronghold towers at Hattin
- Baghdad is now raidable
- Fixed character customization for new players
- Fixed picking up dropped items resetting their durability to max
- Added XP FlyText abbreviations
- Added +50 XP for parrying in melee combat
- Fixed teleporting
- Finally fixed matchmaking issues
- Fixed the crashed siege catcher, forgot to actually start the loop
- Durability on all existing bows has been reset to max
- Fixed bow durability values (English Yew should have more than Persian Walnut)
- Increased exp multiplier to 3x (this stacks up to 3.5x sat, sun, wed!) for 300 online players event
- Fixed an HTTP 500 error in matchmaking, which may also increase matchmaking times
- Harouts epic Lionhearts theme reduced from 100% volume to 65% volume. You will all just need to max out your speakers from now on if you want to jam out at max volume.
- New music specific to Baghdad
- Baghdad performance enhancements
- You can now leave Alamut on horseback